Little Brother Novel Unit

YA Cyberpunk

Fiction Unit

Earn up to 50 points

Six Task Sets + Final Project

Link to entire packet

Task Set #1: 5 points

1. Read ch. 1 of Little Brother, a cyberpunk novel by Cory Doctorow

2. Complete Bookread #1 (Response #1, below)

3. View and listen: Common's "Letter to the Law" on Def Poetry Jam (click on image, then open from there).

4. On a Google Doc., write your thoughts on the poem after viewing Common's performance: 3-5 sentences. Share with Ms. Olson.

Check all your writing for thoroughness and correctness, and hand in to/ share with Ms. Olson.

If you complete all of these steps, you'll earn up to 5 points.

Little Brother Bookread 1.pdf
Def Poetry - Common - A Letter To The Law.mp4

Little Brother Bookread #1 (After Reading ch. 1) "Letter to the Law" by Common

Task Set #2: 5 points

1) Print/ Complete Online the Bookread #2/ QPECC sheet (below). Read through the top portion about Question, Predict, Evaluate, Clarify, Connect. Answer questions #1-#3.

2) Read ch. 2-5 in Little Brother. Jot down notes or doodles on your Bookread #2 sheet as you read.

3) After reading through ch. 5, answer questions #5 and #6 on your sheet.

Check all your writing for thoroughness and correctness, and hand in to/share with Ms. Olson.

If you complete all of these steps, you'll earn up to 5 points.

QPECC.alc.bookread2 (4).docx

Task Set #3: Ch. 6-7 5 points

1. Print out/ complete online Bookread #3 ch. 6-7 assignment (below). READ THROUGH IT FIRST. Answer questions #1 and #2 before you read.

2. Read chapters 6 and 7 in Little Brother, keeping track of things you don't yet understand on your sheet (question #3).

3. When you're done reading, answer question #4.

Proofread your answers, check that your name is on the sheet, and hand in to/share with Ms. Olson for up to 5 points.

Little Brother.br3.ch6-7.docx

Task Set #4: Little Brother ch. 1-10 review 5 points

1. Read Little Brother ch. 8-10.

2. Print off/ complete online Review ch. 1-10 sheet, answer the questions fully, proofread, and hand in to/ share with Ms. Olson.


Task Set #5: ch. 11-16/ 5 points

1. Print off / complete online Bookread #5 ch. 11-16 (below). Read through the entire page, and answer the first two questions BEFORE you read.

2. Read ch. 11-16, jotting down notes on the sheet for #3.

3. After reading through ch. 16, answer questions #4 and #5.

Proofread your writing, check for your name, and hand in to/ share with Ms. Olson for up to 5 points.


Task Set #6: ch. 17-end of book 10 points

1. Finish reading the book, including the epilogue (right after ch. 21).


3. email your responses, or print off and hand to Ms. O. Ten points.


Pick one of the options below and complete, to the BEST of your ability, for 15 points. That means it should probably take you 2-3 weeks of English classes to complete, not just one day, if you want full credit.

1) Write a short story that has the same theme as Little Brother; your short story should includ dialogue, description, a plot, and at least two characters. Your short story must be at least four pages long, double-spaced.

2) Research the Department of Homeland Security since 9/11, and write a 2-page report that's proofread, original, with sources cited (talk to Ms. O about how to do this!)

3) Create a collage that represents Marcus's life during the novel, with cut-outs from magazines, text, AND ORIGINAL ARTWORK.

4) ??? If you have an idea for a cool project, run it past Ms. O!