Fractured Fairytale


Fairytales originate in folk lore, stories about magical and mythical creatures, such as dragons, fairies, witches, goblins, trolls and many more. The lead character (protagonist) in fairytales was often a good-hearted, simple soul who would have to rise to the occasion to overcome evil, however, at other times the protagonist would be a foolish person or child and perpetuate or cause the problem (conflict). Fairytales were often told to convey a warning or moral to children. One of the most popular sources for fairytales is the Brothers Grimm, their collections still sell well today (over 150 years after they died!)

Common Characteristics of Fairy Tales:

  • Fairy tales often begin with the words Once upon a time or Long, long ago.

  • They usually include a good character and a bad character (evil).

  • They can include magic or something enchanted.

  • They frequently include a forest or castle.

  • The plot usually involves some kind of problem, the problem is eventually solved, and the good people live happily ever after.

Fractured Fairytales

When the author twists the traditional fairytales so much that the core meaning of the story changes, this is called a fractured fairytale. Often fairytales are fractured to place them in a more modern setting or to add humour. The movie Shrek, with many famous fairytale (and nursery-rhyme) characters interacting, is a fractured fairytale. Sometimes the story will be fractured to meet modern views. Original fairytales depicted helpless girls wanting nothing more than a prince to marry, beauty as a virtue and encouraged the slaying of dragons — not acceptable beliefs for today’s stories!

Sample Fractured Fairytales

Fractured Fairytales (Youtube)

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

The Frog Prince Continued

The Stinky Cheeseman..

Sample Fractured Fairy Tales (written by students)

Write Your Own Fractured Fairy Tale

Project - Fractured Fairytale