Unit 4: Rise of the Nation States

As society changed there were the ideological struggles between and among the social classes as industrializing societies attempt to reconcile competing interests. Students will examine the major political ideologies (conservatism, liberalism, socialism, and nationalism) that were developed in the nineteenth century in an attempt to accommodate different points of view.

Possible Questions for Deeper Understanding

· In what order of importance should freedom and order, and hierarchy and equality be ranked by society?

· Who should be given the responsibility for guiding and directing society?

· Should change in any fundamental relationship within society occur slowly or quickly?

· Should individuals be freed from the restraints of tradition, custom, and authority?

· Does looking after one’s own self-interest, automatically achieve the self-interest of the community?

Should individuals and societies depend on ideology as a guide or should they follow their common sense (be pragmatic)?

Lesson 1 Social Contract
Lesson 1 Ideology Comparison Charts.docx

Unit IV Introduction

Lesson 1 Social Contract.docx
Lesson 2 Britain

Social Contract in Britain

Lesson 3 France

Social Contract in France

Module 4 The Unification of Germany, 1848-1871

Social Contract in Germany
