Unit 2 Midterm

Fill in the Blank Questions:

    1. Name one tool used by chimpanzees

    2. List two traits that separate Tarsiiformes from Simiiformes.

    3. Name one insectivorous primate species

    4. Name one omnivorous primate species

    5. Name one species of primate that brachiates

    6. Name one stage of the life cycle that is unique or nearly unique to humans out of all the primates

    7. Give an example of a trait that is considered costly signaling in humans

    8. ___________________ is the scientific process of putting organisms into groups based on their evolutionary relationships.

    9. Insect legs and dog legs are examples of _________________________________ , while the jaw bone in humans and the jaw bone in a cat are examples of homologies.

    10. A trait shared by two or more species because it was found in their last common ancestor is called a(n) __________________

    11. Another term for an apomorphy is a(n) _____________ trait.

    12. Apes and humans have relatively large body sizes compared to other primates. This is a trait shared among our lineage, but it is different from the trait of our last common ancestor with Old World monkeys. Therefore, it is a(n) ______________________

    13. In a recent Nature article, paleontologists Matthew Baron, David Norman, and Paul Barrett suggested a new taxonomy for dinosaurs. They looked at 457 different traits and determined the phylogeny that would require the least number of evolutionary events or changes to explain. By basing their analysis on the assumption that the correct phylogeny was the one with the fewest required changes, they were applying the principle of ________________.

    14. Using the picture above, put the species in order from the species with the most primitive traits to the species with the most derived traits. Type the answer below in this format, but with the correct order: A, B, C, D, E, F

    15. If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey, even if it's in a monkey kind of shape. If it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey. If it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey, it's an __________

    16. The owl monkey is the only example of a nocturnal Haplorhini. All others are __________________________________.

    17. The kind of social organization practiced by chimpanzees is called ______________________________________________________.

    18. The kind of social organization practiced by orangutans is called ________________.

    19. While estrous in most apes is marked by red swellings, humans have ___________________________.

    20. The tendency for some New World monkeys to stay with their parents into adulthood, helping to raise their siblings instead of starting their own families, is an example of ______________________________________________________.

    21. ____________________________________ refers to a significant size difference between males and females.

    22. Given the size differences between males and females, and the size of testes relative to body size, humans are considered to be a mildly _____________________, rather than monogamous species.

    23. Sex refers to the biological attributes of a person (their chromosomes or secondary sexual characteristics) while ___________ refers to the social category we place upon sex.

    24. If a person is __________, they have sexual features or chromosomes that don't clearly fall into the male or female category.

    25. According to the dominant cultural ideas of the United States, a woman who wears high heels, makeup, and dresses would be considered gender-____________

    26. In the United States, some men express their gender through athletics, "guy talk", and hyper-masculine clothing. This is a type of gender __________, the way a person acts out their gender.

    27. Microevolution is the way that a population or species changes over time to fit their environment, while _________________ is the formation of new species.

    28. If a male and a female from two different populations are able to produce fertile, viable offspring, then they are members of the same _____________.

    29. ___________________ is speciation that occurs when two populations are geographically isolated, such as when a river divides two populations of mice and, over time, these two populations develop into new species.

    30. ______________________ speciation occurs when a small, isolated population becomes a different species than other populations because of interbreeding and adaptations to an isolated environment.

    31. When a number of different species develop in order to fill a variety of available niches in a new environment, this is called_________________ ____________.

    32. If two populations seldom or never mate with each other, even though they are not physically separated, they might undergo _____________ speciation.

    1. The picture above expresses Darwin's theory of speciation, which is called _____________

    2. Darwin believed natural selection was the driving force in speciation, while Stephen Jay Gould suggested that _____________ was more important.

    3. Stephen Jay Gould is associated with the theory of speciation known as _____________

Essay Questions:

    1. What do primatologists mean by "altruism"? Explain the concept as it applies to animal behavior, and under what conditions primatologists expect altruistic behaviors to occur.

    2. Explain the difference between "gender" and "sex". What does it mean to say that gender is a cultural construct, and how do we know that is true?

    3. What kinds of tool use do we see in primates? Give specific examples of tools used by at least two species of primates, and explain how and why they are used.

    4. Name some of the main reasons for the extinction and endangerment of primates around the world. What can be done to improve the situation?

    5. What behaviors in monkeys and apes can we observe to determine which animals are dominant? Describe some expected actions of dominant and submissive animals under normal social circumstances.

    6. Recently, a bus in Madrid, Spain, made headlines for its message about sex and gender. The bus showed the outline of a person in a dress with "XX" written on the stomach. Next to this figure was the outline of a person without a dress with "XY" written on the stomach. The text, translated, said "Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina." Based on what we learned about the genetic expression of sex-related genes and intersex conditions, why is this not universally true? Please be specific.

    7. List and briefly define the life cycle stages of humans and apes. What are the unique aspects of the human life cycle, and why?