Primate Word List

The Primate Practicum will take place during your lab session. There will be a series of station, each with one or more primate skulls. You could be asked the name of the species (English or Latin is fine), or the taxonomic group the animal belongs to at any taxonomic level. For example, you could have a human skull at the station and the question might be "Name the infraorder of this species". You may also be asked to identify certain key traits (listed below). These traits will be on the skull in front of you. In other words, you would not be asked to recite the tooth formula for marmosets from memory, but you might be given a marmoset skull and asked to write down the tooth formula. The traits will be obvious and categorical, so there will be no "maybe nuchal crests" or "kinda sorta pointy teeth".

You will have a word list like this for your use during the practicum. Spelling does not count, unless I cannot tell which term was meant. For example: I would accept "Cebidae", "Sebidae", or "Cebiday", as correct answers, but I would not accept "Cercitrichidae", because that could be either "Callitrichidae" or "Cercopithecine".

    • Alouatta (Howler monkey)

    • Aotidae

    • Aotus (Night monkey)

    • Atelidae

    • Callithrix (Marmoset)

    • Callitrichidae

    • Carlito sp. (Tarsier)

    • Catarrhini

    • Cebidae

    • Cercopithecoidea

    • Cercopithecinae

    • Chlorocebus (Vervet Monkey)

    • Colobinae

    • Gorilla (Gorilla)

    • Haplorhini

    • Hominidae

    • Hominoidea

    • Homo (Human)

    • Hylobates (Gibbon)

    • Hylobatidae

    • Lemur (Lemur)

    • Lemuridae

    • Lemuriformes

    • Loris (Loris)

    • Lorisidae

    • Macaca (Macaque)

    • Pan (Chimpanzee)

    • Papio (Baboon)

    • Pithecia (Saki)

    • Pitheciidae

    • Platyrrhini

    • Pongo (Orangutan)

    • Saimiri (Squirrel Monkey)

    • Semnopithecus (Gray Langur)

    • Simiiformes

    • Strepsirhini

    • Tarsiidae

    • Tarsiiformes

You must be able to identify these traits on a given skull:

    • Tooth formula

    • Orbit position

    • Orbit closure

    • Bony ear tube

    • Bilophodont vs. Y5 molars

    • Sagittal and nuchal crests