Hominin Word List

The Hominin Practicum will take place during your lab session. There will be a series of station, each with one or more hominin skull. At most stations you will be asked one or two questions. You will have a word list like this for your use during the practicum. Spelling does not count, unless I cannot tell which term was meant. For example: I would accept "Australopithicu", "Astralopithicus", or "Astraylopithcus", as correct answers, but I would not accept "Ardstralopithicus", because that could be either "Australopithicus" or "Ardipithecus".

For the practicum, you mus know know these hominin ancestors and groups:

(That is, if given a skull, you should know the species and the group of which it is a member):

  • Basal Hominins

    • Ardipithecus ramidus

    • Sahelanthropus tchadensis

    • Early Australopiths:

      • Australopithecus afarensis

  • Later Australopiths

    • Paranthropus boisei

    • Paranthropus robustus

    • Australopithecus africanus

  • Habilines

    • Homo habilis

    • Homo rudolfensis

  • Erectines

    • Homo erectus

    • Homo ergaster

  • Middle Pleistocene Humans

    • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

    • Homo heidelbergensis

      • Homo sapiens sapiens (early)

Also, you must be able to identify these traits:

    • Chin

    • Prognathism

    • Nuchal shape

    • Post-orbital constriction

    • Supraorbital torus

    • Location of greatest skull breadth

    • Foramen magnum