Basic Knowledge 3 Question Bank

Below are all the possible questions that you could be asked for Basic Knowledge Check #2. You will take the Check on Moodle, which will randomly give you 20 of the following questions

    1. Which of these is a true statement about chimpanzee tool use?

      1. it is a learned process, usually passed on from mother to infant

      2. females are more likely to use tools than males

      3. different chimpanzee populations use different types of tools

      4. all of these are true

    2. The correct order for the following taxonomic groups (from most inclusive to least inclusive) is :

      1. Kingdom, Class, Phylum, Family, Order, Genus and Species

      2. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species

      3. Phylum, Class, Kingdom, Order, Family, Genus and Species

      4. Class, Phylum, Kingdom, Family, Order, Genus and Species

      5. Phylum, Kingdom, Class, Family, Species, Genus and Order

    1. Which of these factors makes primate species particularly prone to endangerment and/or extinction?

      1. low population densities

      2. low birth rates

      3. restriction to tropical habitats

      4. k-selection

      5. all of the above

    1. _______ is seen in the Atelidae, but not in any Catarrhini primates

      1. ischial callosities

      2. cheek pouches

      3. an arboreal lifestyle

      4. color vision

      5. a prehensile tail

    1. _______ males assume most of the responsibility for infant care, except for nursing.

      1. chimpanzee

      2. baboon

      3. marmoset and tamarin

      4. gorilla

      5. a and c only

    1. All New World monkeys belong to the Parvorder

      1. Omnidi

      2. Catarrhini

      3. Platyrrhini

      4. Pongidi

      5. Monkidi

    1. All Old World monkeys belong to the superfamily

      1. Omnidae

      2. Cercopithecidae

      3. Callitrichidae

      4. Pongidae

      5. Monkidae

    1. Cercopithecinae are:

      1. found only in the Old World

      2. omnivorous

      3. diurnal

      4. all of the above

    1. Which of the following are NOT members of the Parvorder Platyrrhini

      1. gibbons

      2. spider monkeys

      3. marmosets

      4. capuchin monkeys

    1. Which of the following are NOT members of the Superfamily Homonoidea

      1. humans

      2. orangutans

      3. gibbons

      4. baboons

    1. Which of these are important adaptations for humans?

      1. shorter periods of childhood and adolescence relative to other primates

      2. long-distance running and walking

      3. monogamous pair bonds (males and females mate for life)

      4. clear physical signs during the time when a female is fertile

      5. all of the above

    1. All primates can be divided cladistically into two suborders. These are:

      1. prosiminans and apes

      2. Strepsirhini and Haplorhini

      3. Pongo and Homo

      4. Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea

      5. none of the above

    1. Brachiation:

      1. is particularly well developed in gibbons and siamangs

      2. is absent in very large apes, like gorillas

      3. refers to the crest of bone that runs along the back of the skull, where neck muscles attach

      4. only a and b are true

      5. all of the above are true

    1. In nonhuman primates, the period when a female is able to get pregnant is

      1. called estrus

      2. called sexual reciprocity

      3. typical of bonobos

      4. called sexual dimorphism

      5. c and d only

    1. Which of these is an example of inclusive fitness?

      1. the tendency for some New World monkeys to stay with their parents into adulthood, helping to raise their siblings

      2. friendships between male and female baboons, which may give females protection from male aggression

      3. the symbiotic relationship between some primate species and the trees whose fruit they eat, scattering seeds throughout the forest where they can grow new trees

      4. all of the above are examples of inclusive fitness

    1. Which of these terms refers to a method of locomotion among primates?

      1. punctuated equilibrium

      2. omnivory

      3. brachiation

      4. genetic drift

      5. both B and C

    1. While observing macaques, you notice that when one particular adult female, named Petunia, enters a feeding area, the other females will run away and leave the food behind. This suggests that:

      1. Petunia is in estrus

      2. Petunia is dominant

      3. You have witnessed an example of competitive exclusion

      4. both b and c are true

    1. Displacement and displays are behaviors we expect to see in:

      1. dominant individuals

      2. pentadacytlous individuals

      3. submissive individuals

      4. polyandrous individuals

      5. none of the above

    1. The diversification of lemurs when they arrived in Madagascar is a good example of

      1. parallel evolution

      2. solitary social organization

      3. homology

      4. adaptive radiation

      5. devolution

    1. The environmental setting to which a species is adapted is its

      1. ecological niche

      2. geographic isolation

      3. geographic barrier

      4. geological time

      5. adaptive radiation

    1. The theory that speciation occurs as the result of gradual microevolutionary change

      1. is the only explanation of speciation accepted by biologists today

      2. is called the theory of punctuated equilibrium

      3. was postulated by Stephen Jay Gould

      4. all of the above

      5. none of the above

    1. Which of these terms refers to a theory of speciation?

      1. punctuated equilibrium

      2. omnivory

      3. brachiation

      4. genetic drift

      5. both B and C

    1. Which of these is NOT a theory for why humans have evolved hidden estrus?

      1. to prevent infanticide

      2. to prevent women from preventing pregnancies

      3. to prevent sexual violence

      4. to encourage male investment in male-female relationships

    1. Which of these is NOT one of the traits that distinguishes humans from closely related primates?

      1. bipedalism

      2. opposable thumbs

      3. menopause

      4. language

    1. Which of these is an example of costly signaling?

      1. human language abilities

      2. a peacock's tail

      3. cell phones

      4. none of the above

    1. The large size of chimpanzee testes and the fact that chimpanzee males are bigger than females is thought to reflect :

      1. sexual selection, since female chimpanzees prefer large testes

      2. the monogamous social organization of chimpanzees

      3. sperm competition among chimpanzee males, since all males compete to father babies with all females

      4. chimpanzees are less evolved than humans, who have smaller testes

    1. Human infants are altricial, which means that

      1. babies are highly dependent upon their mothers

      2. mothers need help from fathers or close kin in order to raise their babies

      3. babies and children have a long learning period before they are able to feed and protect themselves

      4. all of the above are brought about by the altricial nature of human infants

    1. The “grandmother hypothesis” suggests that :

      1. you should call your grandmother

      2. human females undergo menopause because their reproductive fitness is increased more by helping their daughters raise offspring than by having late-life offspring of their own.

      3. older individuals are critical to the human adaptation because they have skills and knowledge that can be passed down (through language) to the next generation

      4. grandmothers, or at least older females, were the most likely individuals to introduce mutations into human populations, thereby driving evolution and the diversification of our species

    1. In the cladogram below, if all dragons can breath fire, then fire-breathing is a __________ trait for dragons

      1. primitive

      2. derived

      3. fossil

      4. apomorphic

    1. In the cladogram below, if Antipodean Opaleyes and Chinese Fireballs both have golden horns but no other dragon does, then golden horns are an example of:

      1. a homology

      2. convergent evolution

      3. a pleisiomorphy

      4. all of the above

    1. What point on the cladogram below represents the last common ancestor for Hebridean Blacks and Chinese Fireballs?

      1. 1

      2. 2

      3. 3

      4. 4

      5. none of the above

    1. Based on the cladogram below, which of the following characteristics is a synapomorphy relative to the last common ancestor of all dragons?

      1. tail spikes

      2. human-eating

      3. aggressiveness

      4. venomous fangs

      5. a-c only

    1. Which of the following groups of dragons represent a clade on the cladogram below?

      1. Norwegian Ridgebacks and Hungarian Horntails

      2. Norwegian Ridgebacks, Hungarian Horntails, Chinese Fireballs, and Peruvian Vipertooth

      3. Antipodean Opaleyes and Common Welsh Greens

      4. all of the above

      5. none of the above

    1. If all mascots on the cladogram below are bipedal, then bipedalism is a __________ trait for mascots.

      1. primitive

      2. derived

      3. fossil

      4. apomorphic

    2. In the cladogram below, if Nittany Lions and Golden Gophers have claws, but no other mascot does, then claws are an example of:

      1. a homology

      2. convergent evolution

      3. a pleisiomorphy

      4. all of the above

    1. If this cladogram is read correctly, it shows that:

      1. wolverines are the most highly evolved mascot species

      2. despite evidence of cretinism and general moral inferiority, buckeyes are the most highly evolved

      3. there were exactly ten fossil species of mascots in the past

      4. there are eleven living species of mascots

    1. What point on the cladogram below represents the last common ancestor for Hoosiers and Wildcats?

      1. 1

      2. 2

      3. 3

      4. 4

      5. none of the above

    1. According to this cladogram, which of the following characteristics is a synapomorphy?

      1. nuts

      2. winningest record in NCAA football history

      3. fur

      4. all of the above

    1. According to the cladogram below, which of the following groups of mascots represent a clade?

      1. Hawkeyes and Golden Gophers

      2. Nittany Lions, Wildcats, Spartans and Boilermakers

      3. Badgers and Wolverines

      4. all of the above

      5. none of the above

    1. While watching a troop of monkeys, you witness the events illustrated below. Analyze the behaviors you saw to answer the following question : Which of these is an accurate description of the status of individual D?

      1. D is dominant over A and B, but submissive to E

      2. D is dominant over all animals in the troop

      3. D is submissive to all animals in the troop

      4. D is dominant over E, but submissive to A and B

      5. D may be too young to know their place in the social structure

    2. While watching a troop of monkeys, you witness the events illustrated below. Analyze the behaviors you saw to answer the following question : What can you say about the status of individual C?

      1. C is dominant over all animals but E

      2. C is submissive to all animals but E

      3. C may be too young to know their place in the social structure

      4. C is dominant over all animals in the troop

      5. C is submissive to all animals in the troop

    1. While watching a troop of monkeys, you witness the events illustrated below. Analyze the behaviors you saw to answer the following question : Which are the animals with the lowest demonstrated status in these events?

      1. A and B

      2. D and E

      3. E and F

      4. C

      5. none of the above

    1. While watching a troop of monkeys, you witness the events illustrated below. Analyze the behaviors you saw to answer the following question : Which are the animals with the highest demonstrated status in these events?

      1. A and B

      2. D and E

      3. E and F

      4. C

      5. none of the above

    1. Answer the questions with the map below. Members of the genus Pongo are found in _______.

      1. A

      2. B

      3. C

      4. D

      5. E

      6. F

      7. G

      8. H

      9. I

    2. Answer the questions with the map below. Tool use, including termite or ant sticks, logs for cracking nuts, and leaf sponges, has been observed in primates living in _______ .

      1. A

      2. B

      3. C

      4. D

      5. E

      6. F

      7. G

      8. H

      9. I

    1. Answer the questions with the map. You are observing an ape who lives in dense rainforest, hunts, and uses sex instead of grooming to relieve group tensions. You must be in _______.

      1. A

      2. B

      3. C

      4. D

      5. E

      6. F

      7. G

      8. H

      9. I

    1. Answer the questions with the map below. Destruction of the Amazon rainforest has led to the endangerment of muriquis and uakaris in _______ .

      1. A

      2. B

      3. C

      4. D

      5. E

      6. F

      7. G

      8. H

      9. I

    1. Answer the questions with the map below. _______ and _______ are the two places where you would expect to find members of the Infraorder Platyrrhini.

      1. A

      2. B

      3. C

      4. D

      5. E

      6. F

      7. G

      8. H

      9. I

    1. Answer the questions with the map below. The only monkeys to live outside of tropical regions are the macaques, a group which includes the snow monkeys of this nation _______

      1. A

      2. B

      3. C

      4. D

      5. E

      6. F

      7. G

      8. H

      9. I

    1. Answer the questions with the map below. Where would you expect to find diurnal primates engaging in a “stink fight”?_________

      1. A

      2. B

      3. C

      4. D

      5. E

      6. F

      7. G

      8. H

      9. I