Evan White

Concord High School

Physics and Environmental Science

Grades 9-12

Google Classroom

"I screencast every lesson of every day and upload it to Google Classroom. As a result, students who are not present are able to stay caught up on the material, be they absent for a single day due to illness or gone for multiple weeks on a trip. I also upload digital copies of all documents so that students can print out and complete the homework before returning. As such, they can return with all of the homework complete and it's like they never missed a day. I also no longer have to hear "What did I miss?""

"My students frequently use the screencasts to go over and clarify their notes when they get home. They also heavily use the screencasts as study materials before tests. If ever a video isn't working, I get a number of messages both through the classroom and remind from students who are trying to study. They find it to be incredibly helpful for staying caught up as well as for reviewing content from older units in case they need to retake a test they did poorly on."

Google Classroom - White