Exam 3 - Econ 485

Exam 3 – Spring 2014

Senior Seminar

Due Date:4/16 - Early Date for 5 bonus points

4/23 final date - This is the same date that your papers are due.

Summarize each of the following cases from the Reader and then make a policy recommendation to President Obama on the appropriate policy direction that the U.S. federal government should take toward this issue. Additional outside research, beyond that included in the reader, is encouraged.

Issue 16 - Can U.S. Deficit and Debt problems be solved without increases in taxes?

Issue 19 - Is the Inequality in U.S. Income Distribution Surging?

Social Security - Should it be expanded?



Briefly summarize the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ arguments to the question. Then write a policy recommendation for President Obama who is attempting to determine what the answer to the question should be. To do so, you must take a position on the question and then defend why your position is correct.