Final Exam
Due Date: Friday December 15, 2017 via an electronic submission no later than 5:00 p.m. No late assignments will be accepted, thus any assignment received later than 5 p.m. will be valued at zero points.
This entire question is based on the nation of Slovenia. You are expected to research the answers to the following questions. Once you have researched the information needed to answer the question you must form answers to the questions in your own words. All final answers must be in your own words. Copying and pasting material from any source including other students, will result in a zero for the exam. All answers should be concise but must also have both depth and breadth. All sources must be cited. Cases of plagiarism, as defined in the Illinois College Honor Code, will result in a failure of not only the exam but also the entire course.
1. Describe the economy of Slovenia. What are the nation's economic assets and what are their economic weaknesses? Explain!
2. Based upon your answer to question 1, what is Slovenia's potential for economic development? Explain.
3. List and explain each of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and detail how Slovenia is positioned to achieve these goals.
4. What is the value of per capita income for Slovenia. Explain how this is calculated and why it is important to use Purchasing Power Parity comparison.
5. What is the value of Slovenia's Gini Coefficient? Interpret this value, evaluate how this compares on a global scale, and explain whether this specific value suggests the nations economic development is on track for robust growth.
6. What is the value of Slovenia's poverty rate? Explain how this rate is calculated and how this compares to other regional trading partners boarding Slovenia.
7. What is the value of Slovenia's HDI? Explain specifically why it has achieved this value.
8. What is Slovenia's economic and political history and how does this affect current economic development efforts? Explain.
9. Based upon all the information provided above, make two detailed recommendations on policy initiatives that the national government of Slovenia should initiate to foster continued economic development.
At the time of submission, include an electronic signature acknowledging and agreeing to the following statement.
All of the answers provided above are uniquely my own answers. Although part of the assignment required that I research specific information and statistics, any information provided in this exam has been appropriately cited and I have not copied any specific answers from any other student or other source of information available to me in this universe. I understand that doing so will result in a grade of Zero for this exam.