Paper Outline Sample

  1. Title - The impact of Japanese industrialization on the avian population.
  2. Cover Page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. Body
    1. the history of industrialization in Japan
    2. Emission Levels in Japan
    3. Potential Problems for society
    4. Pre-industrialization avian populations
    5. pre-industrialization diversity
    6. number of birds in the population being studied
    7. Does industrialization pose problems for the avian population
      1. migratory patterns
      2. .food supply
      3. reproductive habits and health
      4. nesting habitat
      5. human food chain link
      6. water quality
      7. offspring mortality
      8. competing species causing changing balances in population diversity.
      9. the impact of non-native species
      10. etc,. etc.
    8. current population analysis and comparison to pre-industrialization.
    9. Allocative Efficiency
      1. What is it?
      2. Public goods vs private goods
      3. condition for allocative efficiency
      4. graphical analysis
      5. mathematical analysis
      6. the impact of externalities and non-revealed preferences
    10. applying allocative efficiency to your topic
      1. determine whether the situation is allocatively efficient.
    11. Policy section
      1. what if anything should government do?
      2. detail the policy
      3. describe likely outcomes