My Vitae (Resume)

Curriculum Vitae



Kevin C. Klein

518 Happy Hollow Road

Murrayville, IL  62668

Telephone:  217.673.5241

E-mail –




 1993                          Doctorate of Arts in Economic Education, Illinois State University, Normal, IL

Dissertation Title:  "The Effect of Immediate Feedback on Learning Supply and Demand."


1985                            M.S. in Economics, Illinois State University, Normal, IL


1981                            B.S. with double major in Business Management and Economics, Illinois State University, Normal, IL


1979                            Associate in Applied Science in Business Management, Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL




Employment and Teaching Experience

August 1986            Illinois College -- Current Rank, Professor of Economics



August 2022 - Coordinator for all on-line Business

Present                   Programs.         

August 2020 - Business Department Chair


July 2012 -               Program Coordinator of Environmental Studies Program -Teaching member of the

2015                        program inception in 2000.                                                 

January 2011 -        Chair - Early Intervention, Director of Academic Advising  

June 2012

July 2007 –              Music Department Chair 

June 2010                 


April 2007 –            Benedictine University at Springfield, Illinois – Adjunct Professor of Economics

Present                      Teaching MBA 510 and MBA 611 economics courses within the MBA program.

August 2000 –         Illinois College – Interim Dean of Students

June 2001

August 1989            Lecturer, Illinois State University (full-time teaching position while enrolled as a full time graduate student in the June 1990 Doctorate of Arts Program)


August 1987            Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Springfield

May 1988

June 1981                Caterpillar Tractor Company - Pricing Analyst

December 1983




Courses Taught While at Illinois College



Professional Activities to Date


Ongoing Subject Matter Expert (SME) for New Knowledge United - 2015 to Present

Survey of Economics, 4th  edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2010.


‘Supply, Demand, and Equilibrium’, Chapter 2.01, 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook, Rhona C. Free - Editor, Sage Publications, 2010.


Test Bank to accompany, Survey of Economics , 4th edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2010 -- Managing Editor.


Study Guide to accompany, Survey of Economics, 4th edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2010 -- Managing Editor.


 Instructor's Resource Manual to accompany, Survey of Economics, 4th edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2010 -- Managing Editor.


An Introduction to a Survey of Economics, 3rd edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2008.


Test Bank to accompany, An Introduction to a Survey of Economics, 3rd edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2008 -- Managing Editor.


Study Guide to accompany, An Introduction to a Survey of Economics, 3rd edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2008 -- Managing Editor.


Instructor's Resource Manual to accompany, An Introduction to a Survey of Economics, 3rd edition, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Best Value Textbook Publishing, 2008 -- Managing Editor.


Survey of Economics, 1st edition, Edwin G. Dolan, Kevin C. Klein, Lawrence Fu, Horizon Textbook Publishing, 2007.


Understanding Microeconomics, Edwin G. Dolan and Kevin C. Klein, Horizon Textbook Publishing, 2006.


 ‘An Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Program”, Proceedings of the 4th annual ‘Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change” conference.  Berlin Germany, 2004.


Study Guide to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s The Micro Economy Today, 9e, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003.   Co-authored with Linda Wilson, University of Texas at Arlington.


Study Guide to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s The Macro Economy Today, 9e, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003.   Co-authored with Linda Wilson, University of Texas at Arlington.


Test Bank to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s The Micro Economy Today, 9e, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003.  Co-authored with Linda Wilson, University of Texas at Arlington.


Test Bank to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s The Macro Economy Today, 9e, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003.  Co-authored with Linda Wilson, University of Texas at Arlington.


Instructor’s Resource Manual to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s The Economy Today, 8th and 9th editions, McGraw-Hill, 2000, 2003.  9th edition co-authored with Mark Maier, Glendale Community College, Glendale, CA


Instructor’s Resource Manual to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s Essentials of Economics, 3rd and 4th editions, McGraw-Hill, 1999, 2002.


Study Guide to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s Essentials of Economics, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.  Co-authored with Linda Wilson, University of Texas at Arlington.


Test Bank to accompany Bradley R. Schiller’s Essentials of Economics, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.  Co-authored with Linda Wilson, University of Texas at Arlington.


News Flash  -  “Hog Farmers Squeal”, Published by Irwin/McGraw-Hill, April 1999


“Teaching Public Finance Using a Writing Intensive Approach”, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Teaching Economics Conference, Robert Morris College, Pittsburgh, PA.  1997



Photography Publications

Cover photography of a Dragon Fly for Prairie Paths – Poems from America’s Heartland by Greg M. Romaneck (Paperback – 2008

Cover photography of Prairie Flowers for Prairie Musings: Poetry of Illinois Landscapes by Greg  M. Romaneck (Paperback -  2005)


"Using the Google Suites to Enhance Student Learning", Invited Guest Lecturer at University of Chicago Midwest Faculty Seminar - December 2013

Invited Guest Lecturer at Ritsumeikan University BKC - May 2013.

“Teaching Principles of Accounting in a Liberal Arts Setting”, Midwest Business Administration Association conference, Chicago, March 2010.  Co-Presented with Professors Nausser Jamali, James Proffitt, John Rush, and Marjorie Meier.


“The U.S. Response to the Kyoto Protocol or Only You Can Prevent Global Warming and You Don’t Want To.” – Illinois College –Ritsumeikin 20th Anniversary Symposium, March 2007


“Teaching Effectiveness:  A Reflection” – Participation in a teaching panel with Peter Filene and Elaine Chapman, Illinois College Teaching Symposium, October 2005.


‘A Description of the Development and Design of Illinois College’s Environmental Studies Program”, 4th annual ‘Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change” conference.  Berlin Germany, December 2004.


“The Environmental Impacts of International Trade”, Central Illinois Foreign Language Consortium, 2000.


“The Benefits of International Trade”, Central Illinois Foreign Language Consortium.  Co-presented with Dr. Larry Fu, 1999.


“Teaching Public Finance Using a Writing Intensive Approach”, 8th Annual Teaching Economics Conference, Robert Morris College, Pittsburgh, PA.  1997


The Effect of Immediate Feedback on Learning Supply and Demand", Illinois State University, Illinois State University Economics Department Forum, Normal, IL  1993


"The Effect of an Equally Weighted Market Basket on the Purchasing Power Parity Theorem", Illinois Economics Association Meetings, Chicago, IL, 1985. "

Grants and Awards 

2016                          Recipient of Faculty Ambassador Award.  Awarded by the Illinois College alumni association.

2015-2016                Recipient of Henry Luce Foundation grant at Illinois College to travel with Illinois College Students to Japan to study Environmental Issue in Japan.

2012-2013                Fry Faculty Development Grant -- Co-authored with Dr. Jan Buhrman to fund the redevelopment efforts at   Illinois College for the Environmental Studies                                      program. 

2009-2010               Professor of the Month – October. This is an award created by the Illinois College

                                    student government, Student Forum. Nominations are made by the student body at large 

                                    and final selection is made by the Student Form. The October 2009 award was the inaugural 


2003-2004               Harry Joy Dunbaugh Distinguished Professor Award

                                    Academic Year


2004                           Englebach Peace Studies Award to attend an international environmental studies conference

                                     in Berlin, Germany and to also study the possibility of setting up a recurring trip to the

                                     conference for environmental studies and international studies majors.


June 1999                  Fulbright Grant.   This grant was a competitive grant for a Fulbright organized three-week study tour of

                                    alternative energy production in Germany.


1996-97                      Harry Joy Dunbaugh Distinguished Professor Award

Academic Year


Community Service


The following is a partial list of community service activities.