Exam 3

Due date: 11/20/2017 1:20 p.m. Normal penalties of 10% per 24 hour period late submission will be applied.

Each question is equally weighted in value at 25 points for each question.

    1. Explain the Human Development Index, how your geographic region of research scores on the HDI, and the details about why it achieves that score.
    2. Explain why equal rights for women, including access to equal education, voting, work, etc., is critical to economic develop. In your answer speculate why equal pay for equal jobs and equal experience is vital to promote long-term economic growth.
    3. Institutions are important to an areas economic development. In your answers pick several examples how institutions, as defined in class and in the textbook, can promote economic growth and several more examples where institutions can reduce the potential for economic growth.
    4. Explain why promoting efficiency and growth in a nation's agricultural sector can result in growth the the entire economy. Give and explain specific examples.