
Chairs: Anastasia Fiandaca and Joseph Cannon

Meeting day and time:

Wednesday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Committee Type: Roundtable

Committee Description: The Sustainability Committee advises the Academic Senate on all issues related to sustainability with the overarching goal of reducing the carbon footprint of the college and increasing the college’s conservation of resources, thereby saving both natural resources and money. More specifically, the CCSF Sustainability Committee is dedicated to assuring long-term oversight and successful implementation of the CCSF Sustainability Plan. We promote and support student projects related to sustainability and which demonstrate the principles contained in the College Sustainability Plan and college-wide related Institutional Learning Outcomes. We offer expertise and guidance in the coordination of sustainability-related courses and the infusion of sustainability content into the curriculum. We also serve as a central resource to ensure effective partnerships among departments, training programs, awareness campaigns, local community organizations, businesses, and San Francisco’s Department of the Environment.

Committee Members: Unlimited
