Student Access and Matriculation Advisory Committee


Meeting day and time: 

1st Monday, 2:00-3:30 pm 

Meeting frequency: Monthly

Committee Type: Advisory

Committee Description: The committee discusses and recommends implementation of policies and practices that support the success of all students, especially those from equity populations in Math, English, and ESL. These matriculation policies and practices for all prospective, new, and continuing students include the college application; orientation; Math, English, and ESL placement; counseling for initial education planning; registration; and follow-up services. The committee tracks the impact of AB 705/1705 implementation on student success in Math, ESL, English and other impacted departments. The committee monitors compliance of matriculation mandates and placement processes with AB705/1705 and like regulations, as described by the State Chancellor's Office, Title 5, and Education Code and advises the Academic Senate on recommendations for policy changes when needed. The committee works with the Office of Research and Planning to discuss and analyze data on student success and access. The committee prioritizes AB 705/1705-related projects supported by categorical funds, per the CCSF Roles, Responsibilities and Processes (RRP) Handbook, as well as makes recommendations to other participatory governance bodies as appropriate on matters related to AB 705/1705 implementation and student success in Math, ESL and English. 

Committee Membership: 2 Counseling, 2 Math, 2 English, 2 ESL, 2 TRST, 1 CTE, 2 General Faculty, 3 Classified, 3 Student, 3 Administrators

SAMAC Membership