Student Grade and File Review

Chair: Andrew King

Meeting day and time: Day/Time will be specified for annual meeting, additional meetings will be scheduled around the availability of committee members when needed.

Meeting frequency: Minimum of one meeting per year and on an “as needed basis” contingent on the number of cases coming before the committee.

(May have closed meetings in light of review of confidential student records)

Committee type: Action 

Committee Description: The Student Grade and File Review Committee reviews individual student grievances respecting course grades and file contents. After reviewing a particular grievance, the Committee recommends appropriate action to the Chancellor, the instructor and the student. The Committee acts as an arbitrating body and does not have the power to change grades directly. Grounds for recommendation of a change in grade must be consistent with the California Education Code 76224. 

The Student Grade and File Review Committee may review and propose revision of a part or parts of policies, regulations and procedures that affect students’ grades and files. 

Committee Membership (10): 6 faculty, 2 administrators (as needed per case), 2 students

Student Grade and File