
Co-Chairs: Dory Rincon and Nixora Ferman

Meeting day and time: Thursday 4:00-5:00 pm, by Zoom videoconferencing.

Meeting frequency: as needed

Committee Type: Action 

Committee Description: We are a large, diverse, friendly and “can-do” team that gets a lot of satisfaction from rewarding academically-strong but financially-challenged students. You can make a direct and positive difference in students’ lives and help them toward their academic and/or career goals. We play an active role throughout the scholarship process including: conducting outreach to the CCSF community to inform them of the scholarship application process and types of available scholarships; development and review of fair and consistent criteria for evaluation of applicants; reading through the applications (for general scholarships) in a team environment; assist in the planning and serve various roles during the annual scholarship award ceremony

Committee Membership (Unlimited): Two year terms.

