
Committee Chair: Craig Kleinman

Meeting day and time: every other Wednesday, 1:30 -4:30

Meeting frequency:

Twice a month

CCSF Curriculum Committee Website

Committee Type: Action

Committee Description: It is the Curriculum Committee’s job to assist faculty in that process and recommend the approval of new and modified curricula, as well as relevant academic policies, while ensuring compliance with Title 5 and the California Education Code.  Upon the Curriculum Committee’s recommendation, new and revised courses and programs are then submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval and then to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for state-level approval and indexing. 

Curriculum work is student-centered, and Curriculum Committee members find great satisfaction in embracing the diverse disciplines and methodologies that help shape academic life at CCSF and students’ academic, personal, and professional lives after completing their work here. 

The DEA Subcommittee is a Curriculum Committee workgroup comprised of faculty, including the Educational Technology Department Chair, the Curriculum Committee Chair, and the Distance Learning Coordinator. Like the Curriculum Committee, the DEA Subcommittee reviews curriculum documents, but their focus is on distance ed addenda to help ensure that the course methodology, integrity, and contact can meet current standards and that students can meet the learning outcomes in a fully or partially online environment. Addenda approved by this subcommittee are in accordance with California administrative code and regulation, specifically Title 5 (55200. Definition and Application; 55202. Course Quality Standards; 55204. Instructor Contact; 55206. Separate Course Approval) and meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

The CCSF GE and Grad Requirement Subcommittee is a Curriculum Committee workgroup comprised of faculty, including the Articulation Officer and Curriculum Committee Chair. The GE Subcommittee's focus is on envisioning how CCSF's local GE pattern should change to comply with new Title 5 regulations, include student perspectives, and aspire for more equitable outcomes.

Equity Statement

The Curriculum Committee pledges to address the diverse needs of the CCSF community by conducting business and reviewing curricula in a manner that will encourage culturally responsive outcomes, content, and methodology and enhance dialogue, innovation, inclusion, and equity.

The CCSF Curriculum Committee sees student learning as its driving force and is committed to ensuring that course and program outlines support diversity, cultural competence, growth, and opportunity. Committee processes are shaped by ongoing reflection to ensure that departments acknowledge and address ways that inequities may be perpetuated in their curriculum. Contextual awareness and cultural respect are vital to curriculum review, as is openness to systemic and systematic improvements needed to strengthen equity.

Committee Membership (31): 22 faculty, 6 administrators, 1 classified staff member, 2 students, 10 permanent positions (ex officio), as follows: Articulation Officer, Distance Education Chair, Requisites Coordinator, SLO Curriculum Liaison, CTE Curriculum Liaison, Curriculum Specialist, and resource positions (Chief Instructional Officer or Designee, Dean of Financial Aid & Special Programs, Associate Dean of Workforce Development, Associate Dean of Adult Education, Pathways Committee Chair)

Each term is three years terms. Members may be re-appointed for another term. (Note--On 5/20/20 the ASEC approved a 2-year pilot membership not contingent upon academic areas. In April '22 that pilot was extended for another two years.)
