The philosophy of living


Project one

Comments on the project one experience reports

Project two

PLATO (Athenian [Greek] 427-347 BCE). A brief introduction to Plato, including some summaries. Here's Socrates' famous dilemma for religious ethics: The Euthyphro dilemma: explanation and reply. Socrates had to defend himself in court for (among other things) challenging conventional religious thought: The Apology. Convicted and in prison Socrates reasoned that he should not escape: The Crito; contrast Frantz Fanon theory of counterviolence; here's a written assignment to help you think how to resolve the clash between Socrates and Fanon. Now you are ready for Plato's teaching on the forms. The Phaedo is Socrates' last dialogue--on the immortality of soul--just before he died. The Symposium explores eros and beauty; see here also notes on the critique of Plato's concept of love by theologian Anders Nygren, Agape and Eros. Plato's main dialogue on justice, political order, education, psychology, goodness (the form or idea of the good) is The Republic. Here's an epistemological adventure with the Ion.

RENE DESCARTES (French, 1596-1650), Summary notes and a feminist critique.

JANET KOURANY, Notes on Philosophy of Science after Feminism.

SAMIR OKASHA, Notes on Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction