
This page is designed for assessment activities by Kent State University's Department of Philosophy.

I. Measures.

Here is the vocabulary that will communicate well with higher levels of the administration. It's Stephanie Booth's digest of Bloom's taxonomy of terms to express cognitive development.

Here's some information about a Likert scale together with a draft example by Professor Ikuenobe.

Here's the very impressive use of rubrics by Modern and Classical Languages as they pioneered the way through this phase of the assessment process.

II. What comes next

I fill in boxes on forms (see the example in the link named "rubrics"), after which the Department Chair (or designee) signs under the following statement.

"By submitting this proposal, we assure that:

1. The faculty members who teach this course have agreed to the learning outcomes and assessment methods.

2. Assessment results will be reviewed annually by the faculty and submitted to the University Requirements Curriculum Committee.

3. Modifications to the course and/or assessment plan will be based on the annual review."

In practice, how will this work out? This is my present notion. There will be different ways of doing things. Each course is expected to have an annual meeting, in the late Spring, for review. This is how I put things to the Comparative Religious Thought I faculty who have agreed on a Likert scale. See the above link on Likert scale to view what we decided.

You agree to administer this machine gradable quiz to your students during the last two weeks of the semester. You will report your scores to me promptly so that we can find a time to meet during exam week. (Regional campus faculty can use the mail service to send the bubble sheets to me, which I can than have graded in the main library.)

Note: In order to avoid isolating any professor for criticism, I will receive the tabulated results from each faculty member individually and then collate the results and send aggregate data to you to use in your meeting regarding that particular course.

I will collate the data and return an overall report to you. During exam week we will gather to discuss, evaluate, and consider possible changes.