Existentialism syllabus April 2011

Existentialism, April 2011; Jeffrey Wattles, instructor

Office hours MWF 9:45-10:45, T/R 1:00-2:00, and by appointment (320 H Bowman)

330-672-0276; jwattles@kent.edu;


Week 12 Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus, pp. 1-51. Hand in by Wednesday April 6, your answers to the assigned questionnaire.

Week 13 pp. 51-93. Hand in by Monday, April 11 a one-page description (typed, double-spaced, about 250 words) of what you regard as the best religious alternative to AC’s idea of the absurd (this need not necessarily be the same as the versions of religious thought and action that Camus describes). Next, describe on a second page AC’s critiques of that alternative. Note: The further your concept of the best religious alternative is from what AC criticizes, the more imagination it may take to adapt his critique to the alternative you have in mind.

Week 14 pp. 94-138.

Week 15 This will be time for catching up with the syllabus, for further discussion, and for presentations of other existentialist thinkers as time permits.

Final Examination: Tuesday, May 3, 7:45-10:00 a.m.