Signs of Gratitude Project

Post date: Nov 16, 2020 3:57:26 AM

The Signs of Gratitude Project is Kearney FBLA's way of showing our gratitude and appreciation to the valued members of our community who have endured so much during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over summer break, FBLA wrote and distributed thank you cards to healthcare workers all around Kearney. On 10/19 and 10/26, FBLA participated in the Kindness Rocks Project by painting bold colors, words of encouragement, such as "You can do it!" and "You rock!", and positive pictures onto rocks and placing these rocks all around Kearney, hoping that we can spread kindness throughout the city. Then, on 11/2, we wrote a letter of appreciation and prepared gift baskets for each department at Kearney High. By doing the Signs of Gratitude Project, FBLA is hoping to spread kindness, appreciation, and encouragement all throughout the community of Kearney, NE.