
Alumni Survey

50 years of Kearney FBLA Alumni Survey. Please click the link to tell us where you are and what you're doing. What were your favorite FBLA memories? What advice do you have for current members?

Miguel Guerrero - 2019 Graduate

How did FBLA help you in life after high school?

It helped me solidify my career choice in a fun, memorable way. It also gave me foundational skills that I still use today along with lasting memories. It will be something I will always recall when I look back at my high school career. 

What was your favorite FBLA memory?

My favorite memory was state FBLA when Harish, Ben, and I killed it in the marketing competition. 

Haley Oberbrockling - 2013 Graduate

Where are you now?

I’m a Staff Accountant at Chief Industries in Kearney (2021)

What is your advice to a current FBLA member?

Don’t be afraid to try new things! I waited until my junior year to join FBLA because I was so nervous about meeting new people and stepping out of my comfort zone. I so wish I had participated all 4 years of high school and been more involved and been able to have 2 more years of fun, experiences, and memories.