Unit 4,Growth and Development Since 1850

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Lesson 1: How did the movement of people and ideas change in ?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  communication: the way that people send and receive information


2.  technology: the use of scientific knowledge to solve problems


3.  telegraph: a machine that sends signals along wires using electricity


4.  engineer: a person who designs structures such as roads, bridges, and machines


5.  investor: a person who gives money to a company with the hope of making money later

Lesson 2: How did the Gold Rush change California's economy?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  import: to bring something in from another country or area to sell


2.  product: something that is made, grown, or taken from nature and sold


3.  merchant: a person who buys and sells goods


4.  diversity: many different types of people or things


5.  discrimination: treating someone differently from someone else in an unfair way

6.  export: to send something to another country or area to be sold

Lesson 3: How did different people coming to California affect our state?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  squatter: a person who settles on land he or she does not own


2.  strike: when workers refuse to do their job until their demands are met

3.  exclusion: the act of keeping something or someone out


Lesson 4: How have immigration and settlement helped California grow?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  migrant worker: person who regularly moves from place to place to do a job

Lesson 5: What was California's role in the twentieth century?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  stock market: the business of buying and selling shares of companies


2.  depression: a period when there is little business activity and many people do not have jobs


3.  drought: a long period of time without rain


4.  inflation: when prices rise


5.  ration: to allow people only a limited amount of something because there is not enough of it


Lesson 6: What new industries came to California in the twentieth century?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  aerospace: the science of flight


2.  aqueduct: a pipe or other system that brings water from a distance

Lesson 7: How did California's water system develop?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  reservoir: a place where water is collected and stored for use


2.  delta: an area of land where a river separates into smaller rivers flowing into a body of water


3bay: a part of a sea or lake that cuts into a coastline


4.  renewable resource: a resource that can be replaced


5.  nonrenewable resource: a resource that comes from the earth and cannot be replaced

Lesson 8: How did California's education system develop?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  public: available for anyone to use


2.  private: not owned by the government


3trade school: a place where people learn how to do a job


4.  college: a school where people study after high school


5.  university: the highest level of school from which you can earn a degree


6.  degree: a rank or title given to someone who has completed a program of study at a school


Lesson 9: How have Californians made our state unique?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  culture: the customs, arts, entertainment, and recreation of a group


2.  actor: a person who performs in plays, movies, or television shows