Unit 2, Early People in California

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Unit 2, Early People

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Unit 2 Vocabulary/Facts Review Quizlet

Lesson 1: How did Early People Live in California?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  trade: to exchange goods and services


2.  tradition: a special way that a group does something, which is part of their way of life


3custom: a way a group of people does something


4.  belief: something held as true or real


5.  religion: system of faith and worship


6.  legend: an old well-known story

Lesson 2: How did Early Europeans Come to California?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  explore: to travel to places in order to learn more about them


2.  current: the pattern of the flow of water

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Lesson 3: How did the Spanish Change How California Indians Lived?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  colony: a settlement of people who come from one country to live in another land


2.  expedition: a journey made for a special purpose


3.  missionary: a person who teaches his or her religion to people who have different beliefs


4.  mission: a settlement set up by a religious group to teach their religion and other ways of life to native people


5.  Catholicism: the religion of the Catholic Church

Lesson 4: What was Spain's Influence in California?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  fort: a building used by soldiers to defend an important place


Lesson 5: What was Life Like in Spanish and Mexican California?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  occupy: to take control of a place


2.  presidio: a Spanish word for fort


3.  pueblo: a Spanish word for village


4.  land grant: land given by a government


5.  rancho: a large area of land where crops are grown and horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs are raised


6.  economy: the system of producing and consuming goods in a country, state, or local area

Lesson 6: How did California's Early Economy Change?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  hunter-gatherer: a person who gets food by hunting animals and gathering plants


2.  dam: a wall built to hold back water


3.  cultivate: to prepare and use land to grow crops


4.  irrigation: the use of pipes or ditches to bring water to where it is needed


Lesson 7: How did the Mexican War for Independence Affect California?

Vocabulary Words:


1.  government: a country's laws and leaders


2.  territory: a geographic area that relies on an outside government but usually has some independence


3.  boundary: a line or natural feature that separates one area, state, or country from another


Lesson 8: How did Mexican Rule Affect California?

Vocabulary Word:


1.  tax: money the government collects to pay for its services