Letter to Parents

Post date: Mar 17, 2020 6:51:37 PM

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I wanted to let you know that we are in the process of determining how best to proceed, given the current situation.  I have sent home a folder with work to complete for at least two weeks for Math and Language Arts, but have not included much in the way of guidance.  Students may use Think Central for support on the Math and Language Arts lessons. I have included two newspaper handouts for Social Studies Weekly. Students may visit Studies Weekly online for support.  Your child will also find two science lessons and may visit my website (Resources/Useful Links tab) to access the Science online link. Finally, there are plenty of resources I have posted on my website (Resources/Useful Links) that may help your child in various subject areas to continue to get the necessary practice while they are at home.

I would like to give you a couple of days to adjust to the current situation.  At this point, my primary concern is that my students and you do not feel overwhelmed.  For the next couple of days, encourage your child to read a bit and maybe log onto the supplemental programs Reflex Math, Reading Eggs, or Freckle just to keep some routine.  Most of you have been doing this all year long.  I will also be available to offer some suggestions and advice on what you may choose to do in order for your child to maintain their proficiency of the grade level standards that have been taught.  The suggestions are in no way meant to replace classroom instruction.

These are the suggested websites your child may access to support their learning:

Try your best to have your child work on handouts daily. My goal is to make sure our students continue to practice and review needed skills.  Finally, please stay healthy and we will get through this.  Thank you for your support and cooperation. I will continue to be here for you with any questions you may have. You may contact me via Remind or email at mgalindo@imperialusd.org.


Mrs. Galindo