Fair Field Trip
Post date: Feb 23, 2015 5:26:20 PM
Letter Sent out on: February 12, 2015
Dear Parents,
Reminder, the 4th grade students will be going to the IV Fair on Wednesday, March 4th. We will be walking to the fairgrounds and leaving at 8:30 A.M. We will return to school by 1:00 P.M. This field trip is only for parent volunteers and the 4th grade students of Ben Hulse Elementary. Any parent volunteers may not bring any children with you on the field trip.
Activities and field trips are a privilege, not a right. Students who have any of the following infractions up until the day before, March 4th, will not be allowed to attend this activity even if you have already signed a permission slip.
® 1 suspension from the classroom or school
® 1 detention for any reason (including tardiness)
® Excessive late or missing assignments
® Not reading/meeting AR goal (50%)
® 2 red cards
® Continued unsatisfactory behavior from now until the day of the trip
® Missing library books
® Unpaid cafeteria bill
® Any other school debt
Fourth Grade Teachers
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher at (760) 355-3210.
Mr. Godsey ext 3044 Mrs. Groth ext 3037 Miss Grace ext 3039
Mrs. Galindo ext 3040 Miss Rubalcava ext 3041
Form posted your signature.."Please sign below to affirm that you and your child are aware of the conditions to attend this activity."