December 9-13
Post date: Dec 06, 2013 10:2:19 PM
12/9: 3x each
12/10: ABC order
12/11: Pyramid
12/12: Use 10 words from list in a short story
12/13: Spelling Test
Ch.4, Divide by 1-digit Numbers
12/9: pp.83-84
12/10: Reteach 35; Rvw.p.4
12/11: Reteach 36; Rvw.p.5
12/12: pp.85-86
Social Studies/Science
Science, Chapter 2, Lesson 1,
Study Vocabulary and Review Science Link for Chapter 2, Lesson 1 daily
12/9-11: Passion Project Presentations
Social Studies
12/12: Take Daily Geography sheet home to study for test
12/13: Daily Geography 71-74 Test