March 16-20
Post date: Mar 13, 2015 10:22:12 PM
Theme 5, "VCV Pattern" List
3/23: 3x each
3/24: ABC order
3/25: Pyramid (20 words only)
3/26: 2 in 1 sentences
3/27: Spelling Test
Spelling List
VCV Word Patterns
*Meet A.R. Goal--100% by Friday, March 27th.
Chapter 7: Add and Subtract
3/23: Ch.7, Study the Study Guide!!!
3/24: Ch.7, Test/Part 1; Reteach Ch.7.7
3/25: Ch.7, Test/Part 2; C.C. p.1 "Adding &
Subtracting Fractions" Sheet
Chapter 8: Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
3/26: Ch.8, Lesson 1, pp.143-144
Click on link to view Schoolhouse Rock Multiplication Videos!!!
Click on link to print/view Multiplication Facts Cards. Study daily!
Click on link to review Math Homework/Practice Skills taught in class.
Please be sure to visit the Subjects tab on my website to view specific lessons/skills taught and dates for testing for all subject areas as well.
Social Studies
3/23-26: Take Daily Geography sheet home to study for test
3/27: Daily Geography 146-149 Test
*End of the 3rd Quarter.