Reading: Journeys

Fourth Grade


§  Reading practice for ELL students (Spanish, French, German, Italian, English)


§  Kathy Diaz and a team of teachers at Stone Ranch have been using, a free site sponsored by Sylvan Learning.  It allows students to take quizzes on books they read and to earn prizes.


§ is like a giant online book club for kids. Share favorite books, write reviews, read reviews, talk about favorite books, series, and authors. Sponsored by Disney.


§  Kids will love Scholastic's new Flashlight Reader's book


§  You might consider starting a "Dear America Mother/Daughter Book Club" with other Dear America Mother book fans in your neighborhood or school. Here is a link to the main site for all the activities that accompany the "Dear America Book Series."

                            Reference Tools

*  For Merriam Webster's online dictionary and thesaurus.

One Look allows you to look up words in multiple online dictionaries at once

*  By using the Visual Thesaurus students can finally see the definition and connotation of each synonym generated. Or students can easily click on any of the synonyms on the screen to open a new search for words that have that specific connotation.

*  For all the poets in your class, be sure to bookmark this rhyming dictionary.

Teach your students to create bibliographies for their reports and research papers, you may want to visit Easy Bib, a free online advanced bibliography maker. Another site that is especially helpful for younger students is: Noodle Tools Quick CiteFor information on citing online resources, visit the Online Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources site: Citation Styles for Online Resources.

Literacy Strategies

Word Roots

Quia Game for Greek and Latin Roots | Fact Monster

Reading Tools for Parents 

Six Traits Writing Resources

Grammar Resources


High Frequency Words

Think Central website (You can also access Houghton Mifflin Reading Selections):

Think Central 

(Reading Book)

Selections and Topics

Unit 1: Reaching Out

Unit 2: Tell Me More

Unit 3: Inside Nature

Unit 4: Unbreakable Spirit

Unit 5: Change it Up

Unit 6: Paths to Discovery