
Post date: Oct 04, 2013 8:34:4 PM



Journey Review List


10/7: 3x each

10/8:  ABC order

10/9:  Pyramid

10/10:  2 in 1 Sentences

10/11: Spelling Test



Ch.2, Multply by 1-Digit Numbers

10/7:  pp. 45-46

10/8:  pp. 47-48

10/9:  Order of Operations Rvw. Sheet/&

             Study for test pp.95-98

10/10:  Ch.2 Test

10/10: Ch.3, pp.51-52


Social Studies/Science


Science, Ch.1, Lesson 4, Microorganisms

10/7:  Take book home to study for test

10/8:  Ch.1, Lesson 4 Test

Social Studies, Unit 1, Lesson 1, How do you locate places on Earth?

Review Vocabulary Daily--click on Subjects, then Social Studies, then Unit 1


Social Studies

10/10: Take Daily Geography sheet home to study for test

10/11: Daily Geography 31-34 Test