Your Album Identity

Essential Questions:

-How can you represent yourself as an album cover using symbolism?

-How do symbols and colors show association with people, places, and things?

Major Deliverables:

Album Cover

-You will design an Album Cover that represents you as an individual.

-Photoshop - 5" X 5" for the size and 120 dpi for the resolution

-Things to think about

-Try to incorporate picture of yourself

-Background color

-Symbolic representation of who you are

Artist Statement

-You will write up a description of your Album Cover

Have fun with this. Explain your symbolism, but try not to be too direct.

Button - 2.5" diameter circle

-Take your CD Album Cover and change it to a 2.5" diameter circle.

-You might want to use ctrl-t transform to change your design from square to circle.