Art Pieces - 2011

Cigarettes - Ariana and Alex

Our art piece is a school bus filled with cigarettes. Every hour in America, the amount of cigarettes consumed is about 412,088,000. The volume of this many cigarette butts could fill an average sized school bus.

Coffee Cups -Brad and Drew

Each Starbucks logo represents one tree. On the tree there is 1200 Starbucks logos meaning that Starbucks kills 1200 trees every 12 hours to produce coffee cups that can not be recycled due to the wax lining.

Surfboards - REWAVE

-Dennis and Frank

The Rewave represents how many surfboards are made every 6 hours in just the San Diego to the Los Angeles region. There are 250 boards made every 6 hours, over a 1000 boards are made everyday. These boards are made from very toxic materials such as Polyurethane, Styrofoam and Fiberglass. Of these toxic materials needed to produce one surfboard, 20% is put into land fills everyday to get into our waterways and never decompose. Our RERIP sign is made out of 84 boards. Those 84 boards represent the percentage of surfboard material that can be recycled.

REDUCE Sign out of coffee beans and used coffee cups

-Vendela and Johnny

REUSE -Marleen, Karla, Mariane

Our art piece is a mixture of both paper and plastic bags. The back round of our art piece is made up of individual collages made of paper bags and the letters that spell “REUSE” are made out of fused plastic bags. Our purpose is to try to increase the use of reusable bags, reduce the amount of paper and plastic wasted, and help make our planet a greener place.

Batteries - Hunter and Rachel -

This pirate flag is made up of 3,700 batteries, which is the same amount of batteries the US uses in 40 seconds. When batteries are thrown away, they release toxins such as mercury and other heavy metals that can contaminate our ground water.

Styrofoam Containers - Nate and Ryan

Tires -Jacobo and Micah-

There are 700 small tires to make up one big tire in this art piece. This represents how many tires are thrown away in California every 13 minutes.

Paper Grocery Bags - Desmond and Maria

Every 49 seconds 1,500 paper bags are being used in the United States. Companies have to cut down 2500 tress a day to produce paper grocery bags. This art piece is meant so people can change to the better and stop using paper bags and go for the reusable bags.

Junk Mail - Bella and Denisha

This tree is made up of 400 pieces of junk mail. This represents the number of trees chopped down to produce junkmail in San Diego county every 4.5 hours (That is over 2000 per day).