
Physics/Math – Course Policy and Objectives

Chris Wakefield

Email address:

Chris will be available for after school tutoring on Mondays and Thursdays.

I. Physics 1 is a survey course designed to introduce the fundamentals of physics. You will learn the concepts of physics and how they apply to a variety of phenomena in our world. You will use math skills to analyze different phenomena. The course covers the following topics:

a. Inquiry in Physics

b. Motion and Forces

c. Conservation of Energy and Momentum

d. Thermodynamics

e. Waves, Light and Sound

f. Electricity and Magnetism

Math 1 is an integrated, Common Core driven course designed to develop deep understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency in mathematical procedures.

a. Algebra – Students will work with existing equations and derive their own equations to determine solutions.

b. Geometrics – Covers the spatial and visual domains. This includes Geometry and Trigonometry.

c. Datametrics – Students will make predictions based on probability and statistics.

d. Logic – Covers formal proof operations and common reasoning.

e. Measurement and Estimation – Knowledge of the metric system and the ability to make order of magnitude calculations.

II. Learning Targets –

a. You will be able to tackle large tasks by breaking them up into smaller chunks.

b. You will become more comfortable using digital, power, hand, and electrical tools to make beautiful work of which you can be proud.

c. You will solve complex math problems that relate to your life now and in the future.

III. Materials – You must bring these everyday to class (These are due by September 7)

If any classroom material ever presents a financial difficulty, please see a teacher, advisor, or other faculty member so alternate arrangements can be made.

-A 3-ring binder with 5 labeled dividers

-Pencils and a handheld sharpener


-Loose Leaf Paper

IV. Evaluation – Averages are assigned a letter grade based upon the county scale listed below:

97%-100% = A 94%-97%= A 90%-92% = A-

87%-89% = B+ 83%– 86% = B 80%-82% = B-

77%-79% = C+ 73%-76% = C 70%-72% = C-

69.4999% and below is not passing.


    1. Policies

    2. Homework: Homework is a regular part of this course. The purpose of homework is to prepare you for class or review information just learned. Homework will be checked and assigned points for effort and completion. Students are expected to work at least 30 minutes every night on Physics/Math. Since regular homework assignments are due on Fridays, students should finish their homework by Wednesday night, so that students can go to tutoring support on Thursday if they do not understand the entire unit. You are not done with your homework until you can teach it to someone.

If you are absent: It is your responsibility to arrange to make up missed work as soon as you return to school. Assignments that were due on the day of your absence must be submitted on the day of your return.

Homework Self Evaluations: On Friday mornings students will evaluate their work for the week. Assignments are based on the following criteria:

-What percent of the problems did you do?

-Did you show all of your work?

-Did you check your answers?

-Did you redo all problems that you got incorrect at the end of the assignment?

-Did you try your hardest on the challenge problems?

-Was your work organized?

Late penalties: Late work will be accepted for full credit only with prior written approval from Chris 24 hours before the assignment is due. If you turn an assignment in late you have 1 week from the original due date to turn the assignment to receive a maximum of 50%. Any assignment turned in over one week late will not earn you any credit.

Calculator use: Calculators will be used on some assignments. When calculators are permitted, you must use your own calculator. Keep extra batteries handy. Teachers may inspect calculators before, during or after tests and may erase the memory. Your cell phone will not be allowed as a calculator on tests/quizzes.

Warm Ups- Every class will begin with a Warm Up activity. You must do and save all warm ups in your notebook. The warm ups will be collected every other week. If you are absent you must ask a friend what the warm was so you can do it.

Phones – Phones are only allowed with the direct permission of the teacher.

Challenge Options: Students will have a Challenge option on most projects. This option will be more difficult, but the student will be able to earn extra points for their effort. For example, in the Music in the Making Project, students can build an electric guitar from scratch as a challenge.

Take Chances: Michael Jordan missed over 3000 shots, It took Thomas Edison over 2500 attempts to invent the light bulb, and Einstein almost failed out of school. The only way to succeed is by trying your hardest and taking chances.

Course Timeline for 1st Semester

Here are the link for the Class Calendar:

Here is the link for the Projects Page:

Week 1

-Community Building

Weeks 2-5:

-Mathematician Like Me

-Patterns in Math (See

-Patterns Project

Week 6-15:

-Physics Comic Book Superhero Project (Work, Power, and Energy)

-Print Media Design (Comic Life, Photoshop)

-Group Presentation Skills

-Mid Term Examination

Second Semester will cover Linear Kinematics, Projectile Motion, Newton's Laws, Waves, Sound, Test Taking Skills, Flash Animation, and more College Prep activities. During 2nd semester we will do The American Consumption Project where you will film and edit a commercial, make activist art pieces, and write a letter to a politician to initiate change. We will also do the 30 Day Challenge Project where students will make a positive change to their lived and try to stick to it for 30 days.

Essential Questions for Semester One:

-How can your knowledge of circuitry help better the world?

-How can you use your creativity to explain difficult concepts?

-What are practical applications of Electricity, Magnetism, and Thermodynamics?

-Why do you need to learn Math?

Syllabus Scavenger Hunt

What is the late work policy?

List 3 materials you need for this class?

What must you do if you have an emergency and can not finish an assignment?

What is Chris’s email address?

About what % of your grade will Tests and Quizzes be?

If homework is due on Friday morning, when does Chris say you should have your HW done?

What are you most excited about this year?

Why do you think Chris does not allow cell phone calculators?

What days of the week can you stay after school for tutoring support?

When is it okay to use the phone in class?

What are two projects we will be doing this semester?

What days are regular HW assignments due?

Do you have internet access at home? (It is OK to say no, you can always use the school's computers)

How many times did it take Edison to invent the light bulb?

Do something nice for someone and write down what you did.

Have parent/guardian sign this to show that they have read this.