Sequential Photography

Essential Questions:

-How does gravity affect the motion of objects?

-How is velocity different from acceleration?

-How can we use photography to represent the variations in motion?

Step 1: Take a sequential photograph with Action Shot for iPhone or MotionShot for Android. If you want an extra challenge, take an SLR camera and use burst mode. Upload the photos to Photoshop and edit. There are tutorials on YouTube (Search How to make Sequential Ph0tographs with _________ (fill in Action Shot, Motion Shot, or Photoshop)).

Step Two: Use the 1st draft critique sheet to examine the motion of your object. You will need to write about the motion of your object and get three people to edit your photograph.

Step Three: Examine your photo through the lens of the equations of motion and motion graphs. What evidence from your photo shows either constant velocity or a changing velocity.

Step Four: Take a 2nd draft photo based on the information you learned from your critiques.

Step Five: Use, Geometer's Sketchpad, or your trial and error to graph the motion of your object using the data from your picture. You should be able to come up with an equation from the programs.

-Constant Velocity - Done by hand. Use the Vf = Vo + at and X = Vot + 1/2at2 equations to show the displacements and velocities at each point.

-Acceleration Vertical - Done by hand. Use the Vf = Vo + at and X = Vot + 1/2at2 equations to show the displacements and velocities at each point.

-Projectile Motion (Parabola) - Done by hand or computer. Do a curve fit to find the equation of motion that represents your object. Challenge: Use the Trig Functions, displacements calculated from your photo, and time from your photo's burst rate to calculate the original velocity and launch angle of your object.

Step Six: Make your work beautiful. Each photo needs an artist's statement that describes:

**If motion is in one direction describe the motion with words and graphs (Displacement vs time and velocity vs time)

**If motion is parabolic describe the motion by drawing displacement vectors and then breaking them into X and Y Components using the tip to tail method and by using to calculate the equation using y = Ax2 + Bx + C form.

Step Seven: Upload your final draft of Photos and Artist Statements to the Google Drive Folder emailed to you by Chris.

Check out the 1st draft Photos from May 2015 here: 1st Draft Photos 2015

Linear Kinematics HW #1

Linear Kinematics HW #2

Linear Kinematics HW #3

Graphing HW #1

Graphing HW #2

Check out this write up a teacher from the UK wrote about this project:

Check out Ana Soler's exhibition

Use these sample photos if you do not have one: