Glastonbury Public Schools CTE

Technology Education

The Technology Education Department’s mission is to provide students with an education that incorporates real-world problem solving and creative thinking skills through the use of collaboration, application and hands-on activities. 

Areas of Study

3 Areas of Study

At Glastonbury High School, the major areas of study are grouped under Applied Arts and Design, Computer Science and Technology, and Engineering and Robotics

Students may sample courses from each area or specialize in one or two, depending upon their interests. Juniors and seniors, based upon their experience and the consent of the instructor, may take an advanced course without taking the prerequisite course. Students may also take designated advanced courses twice or work with teachers through the independent study program with instructor's approval and plans for the study.

Technology Education Courses at GHS

The program offers much more than just career exploration; our students study the effects of technology on society now and in the future as they prepare to become technologically literate contributing members of an ever-changing technological world.

Technology Education courses enable students to survey areas in which they have an interest, aptitude, or career aspirations. They provide an excellent opportunity to develop skills and learn about industry and technology. All courses emphasize learning through hands-on activities coupled with the rigor of other academic areas. 

For an up to date listing of current course offerings, please visit the Glastonbury High School home page and click on the Program of Studies under the "Academics" tab.