Accounting & Finance


(HalfYear – 0.50Credit)
4651 – Level 2
(Offered for grades 10-12)

Students will learn about important financial literacy issues that face today’s teens. This course will help students develop an understanding of financial literacy. Topics include: money management and budgeting, major expenditures, loans and credit, managing income and taxes, banking, saving, investing, and protecting wealth through insurance. Instruction may be supported through computer software simulations, field trips, and guest speakers. By the end of the course, students will have a thorough understanding of personal finance topics and be prepared to handle the financial responsibilities that exist after high school Meets State Financial Literacy Graduation Requirement. (S, G)


(HalfYear – 0.50 Credit)
4661 - Level 2
(Math credit)

Students will acquire essential skills to make sound financial decisions. They will practice core financial literacy skills and experience the real-world impact of their financial decisions. Students will participate in a virtual stock-market challenge, complete activities/projects that involve making financial decisions (leasing vs. buying a car; renting an apartment vs. buying a house, etc.), and will compete in a personal finance simulation to apply knowledge gained throughout the semester. (This course may serve as a mathematics graduation credit). (G)


(Half Year – 0.50 Credit)
6110 – Level 1
6310 – Level 2

Banking and Investments is open to students in Grades 11-12. Students will learn about the world of finance, financial institutions as businesses, and their role in the world economy. Through hands-on activities, case studies, and guest speakers,  students will explore the Federal Reserve System, employment in financial services, and real-world banking and investment practices. Any business course may serve as a prerequisite. This course may be taken for Level 1 or Level 2 credit. This selection will be agreed upon during the first week of class, noting the additional L1 requirements. (G)


6300 - Level 2
(Math credit)

Accounting is a skill-level course providing a strong background for those entering business. Students will develop and demonstrate manual and computerized skills to create and maintain financial records. Students will learn basic fundamentals and terminology of Accounting, gain an understanding of financial reports, and explore career opportunities in the accounting field. Practical accounting problems, with business papers, will emphasize actual business records management. (This course may serve as a mathematics graduation credit). (S, G)


6101 - Level 1
(Offered for grades 11 and 12)
(Math credit)
(Offered for grade 10 with recommendation of teacher and counselor)

Advanced Accounting uses an integrated approach to teach accounting. Students first learn how businesses plan for and evaluate their operating, financing, and investing decisions and how accounting systems gather and provide data to internal and external decision-makers. This year-long course includes all of the learning objectives of a traditional college level financial accounting course, as well as those from a managerial accounting course. Topics include an introduction to accounting, accounting information systems, time value of money, and accounting for merchandising firms, sales and receivables, fixed assets, debt, and equity. Other topics include statements of cash flows, financial ratios, cost-volume profit analysis, and variance analysis (This course may serve as a mathematics graduation credit). (S, G)