Glastonbury Public Schools

Career and Technical Education

Questions about the Career and Technical Education Department?  Please contact:

Ms. Elizabeth Cole


 Parents often express their appreciation of the relevant skills their children acquire in Career and Technical Education courses.

Please read below and click on the menu categories above to learn more.

About Us

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses fall under four categories:  Agricultural Science, Business Education, Family and Consumer Science, and Technology Education.  CTE students explore future career and college paths and gain critical skills and knowledge in technical areas.

The Career and Technical Education Department provides a wide variety of courses designed for students to survey areas in which they have an interest, aptitude, or career aspirations.

All curricula, activities and materials are continually updated so that students are prepared for post-secondary education and for the workplace. Courses have a high degree of academic rigor and integrate the development of critical-thinking, problem-solving, creativity and inter-personal skills. 

Our courses help students to meet graduation requirements and learning expectations of Glastonbury High School. Some courses may be taken for college credit. 

We encourage students and their families to peruse the course offerings across our department. 

CTE Goals

All courses are developed to: 

logo with words STEAM, Glastonbury Public Schools

Our district's K-12 STEAM initiatives offer students the opportunity to work and learn across the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathemathics. STEAM projects ​​spark student passions and prepare them for future STEAM careers and college studies.