Defense Against The H-Bomb

Your Guide for Residents of -


Vancouver, Wash.

Clackamas County

Hood River County

Multnomah County

Washington County

Yamhill County

Clack County, Wash.


The purpose of this guide is to tell you of the dangers to life and property in an H-Bomb attack and to tell you how you can best defend yourself against such an attack. It was prepared through the cooperation of the Civil Defense Agencies of Portland; Vancouver, Wash.; Multnomah, Clackamas, Columbia, Hood River, Washington, Yamhill; Clark (Wash.) counties and State of Oregon.


As much as our nation strives for world peace, we must be prepared for a possible war. Without advance planning, there would be little hope if atomic attacks were made against principal American cities.

Oregon contains one of the critical target areas. Downtown Portland is considered as the aiming point for a target area which extends into several adjacent counties.

Civilians are now on the front line. In event of a major war, the first battlefield might be in this country, not abroad. The weapons could be nuclear, as well as conventional bombs. Civilians would be among the first casualties, and a disaster of atomic magnitude would affect every phase of life. Military defenses are being perfected, but there is no means to completely stop the penetration of all enemy bombers. One plane and one H-Bomb could destroy or severely damage most of the City of Portland.


Although there are no easy solutions to atomic age civil defense, there are defenses against H-Bombs, the best being distance and shelter. But it is your decision. Survival depends mainly on individual judgment and action.


This leaflet gives you our recommendations. The basic policy is to make a maximum effort to evacuate everyone within six miles of downtown Portland (S.W. Broadway and Morrison Streets), and even beyond if warning time permits.


The Evacuation Signal is a THREE MINUTE STEADY TONE on the sirens or other official warning devices,repeated as necessary. All radio and TV stations will go off the air. In a few minutes AM (standard) radio stations on the CONELRAD system will come back on the air with official instructions, operating on 640 kc or 1240 kc on your dial.

The Take Cover Signal is a THREE MINUTE W AILING TONE on the sirens or other official warning devices, repeated as necessary.


When you hear the EVACUATION SIGNAL: Everyone within three miles of downtown Portland should plan to evacuate. Within this area no consideration should be given to taking shelter unless sounding of the "Take Cover Signal" indicates insufficient time for evacuation, or physical considerations restrict or prohibit evacuation or duty, assignments require presence in the area.

Everyone within three to six miles of downtown Portland should also plan to evacuate. However, limited warning time may not allow complete evacuation from within this zone. Therefore, if evacuation from this zone cannot be started within a few minutes of the Evacuation Signal, then prepare to take shelter if a suitable one is available. Radio broadcasts on CONELRAD frequencies will endeavor to provide the best advice and guidance considering reported traffic densities on roads and probable remaining time before attack. People in this zone should prepare home shelters.

Persons beyond six miles should be in less danger where they are if shelter is available. People in this area should prepare home shelters. If persons in this area prepare shelters and stay in them during the initial period of evacuation, maximum chance will be given to those within the six mile zone to evacuate beyond the danger zone. If NO shelter of any kind (even a basement) is available, persons should evacuate.

When you hear the TAKE COVER SIGNAL: This means attack is imminent. Those within a 15 mile radius of downtown Portland should immediately get into the best shelter available unless they are moving in traffic on an evacuation route and are beyond the city limits.

Once in shelter remain there at least 36 hours, or until instructed otherwise by Civil Defense Officials.


Hospitals and other institutions should develop specific plans for evacuation consistent with the Basic Plan for the Portland Target Area. Every school should have a detailed civil defense plan, and parents should become familiar with the plans and cooperate with school authorities.


Study Evacuation Routes shown on the map. Choose now the closest route and select a meeting place after evacuation for your self and family. Select routes to fit different circumstances (at work, at home, at school, etc.). Families should plan now how each member can best reach these meeting places.


Following an enemy attack, thousands of persons would be in need of help. For your own protection, make sure your family is as self-sufficient as possible. Take food, water, clothing, bedding, radio, first aid kit, flashlight and other essential items. Have members of your family help in assembling a "disaster kit". Keep the "kit" so it will be handy to your car or shelter.


Plan to use your own car for evacuation. Keep the gas tank filled at all times. If you do not have a car, make arrangements now for obtaining a· ride with someone else.

Lacking transportation for evacuation, .start walking out-ward from the city center. Persons walking toward or along Evacuation Routes should be picked up. Fill all cars with passengers. When you pick up someone be sure you are clear of the highway so as not to block the flow of traffic. All car owners should make prearranged plans for sharing rides with fellow employees or neighbors.


When the Evacuation Signal sounds, all traffic will be one way-OUTBOUND on ALL EVACUATION ROUTES. Incoming vehicles will be turned around or diverted from the Portland area. Do not try to cross any of these Evacuation Routes. Traffic lights will be turned off or to a fixed green along Evacuation Routes, and red for streets approaching the routes. City, County and State Police, augmented by Civil Defense auxiliaries, will direct traffic. In addition, obey the evacuation directional signs.

If you cannot immediately get onto an Evacuation Route, move on parallel streets toward the outer' edge of the City until you can get onto one. Heavy slow-moving vehicles should use these parallel streets so as not to block traffic. If a car stalls, help push it off the road and pick up the passengers. Your help is needed to see that the free flow of traffic is not blocked at any time. Plan to continue moving for about 50 miles unless you require emergency services or are directed otherwise.


Stay calm, be patient, obey instructions. With everyone's cooperation, all can move with less trouble and more speed. In some safe areas, traffic authorities might direct you into side roads or to temporary parking spots off the highway in order to speed movement of traffic farther back. Obey authorities promptly.


Initial radiation will affect persons close to the blast, but it is secondary to the blast and heat of nuclear detonations. In addition, there may be radioactive fallout over a large area around the explosion and over an elongated area downwind from the burst.

An H-Bomb explosion can suck up thousands of tons of earth, stone and pulverized particles. Much of this radioactive material spills out around the point of explosion for a distance which may extend from 12 to 15 miles, and the remainder is carried by the wind and falls out over a large cigar-shaped area extending downwind as far as 200 miles. Remember, you cannot see, hear, smell or taste fallout. Following an explosion, people within 15 miles of the explosion should seek the best available shelter and remain there at least 36 hours or until directed otherwise by Civil Defense officials.

Persons outside the 15-mile area and downwind should, likewise, plan to take cover for a 36 hour period or until directed otherwise. The fallout. pattern will be

announced by Civil Defense authorties after an attack. This pattern depends on bomb size and wind direction and velocity at various altitudes. If there is any doubt about being exposed to fal1ou~, change clothes and wash thoroughly.


Basic responsibility rests with the individual to be self-sufficient for a few days. However, civil defense organizations will make every effort to provide you with emergency care and basic necessities. Traffic control personnel will direct you along evacuation routes. Reception Areas will be established on these routes in the vicinity of Hood River, Sandy, Estacada, Molalla, Canby, Brooks, Newberg, Carlton, Forest Grove, Banks, and Scappoose, where vital emergency requirements will be met or assistance given in reaching places agreed on in family or individual plans. Emergency Welfare Reception Centers will be established throughout the state to provide more permanent emergency welfare and medical services.

Something you should do now is select a family meeting place after evacuation (home of relative or friend) outside the danger area. You cannot expect to re-unite your family until evacuation of everyone has been completed.

Civil defense officials will make continuous efforts to reunite families and locate missing persons. Approved identification tags will assist in identifying lost or injured persons.


If you are in the vicinity of North Interstate and Alberta Streets, get on Evacuation Route CC and move out via the Interstate Bridge.


If you are near S. W. Cornell Road, get on Route BB and move out via North Plains.


If you are near S.E. Milwaukie and Holgate Blvd., get on Route E and move out via Canby.


If you are in the vicinity of N.E. 39th Ave. and Glisan St. you should plan to evacuate on Route X via Estacada.

Study this guide IT MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE


1. The EVACUATION SIGNAL means you have one hour's time-maybe more later.

2. Put your plan into action on the EVACUATION SIGNAL.

3. EVACUATION SIGNAL will be announced by 3 minute STEADY TONE on the sirens, by CONELRAD radio (640 kc or 1240 kc on your dial) and by any other means available.

4. Ride out if you can. Walk out if you have no ride. Fill your car with pedestrians.

5. Study this map and choose best routes for yourself and family, under all different conditions (at work, at home, etc.).

6. Get on Evacuation Routes promptly but calmly.

7. Follow traffic, one-way only-OUTBOUND.

8. Do not try to cross the Evacuation Routes.

9. Take your own food, water, clothing and first aid kit with you.

10. Take shelter immediately on the TAKE COVER SIGNAL unless moving in traffic on an evacuation route and y()u are beyond the city limits. This is a 3-minute WAILING TONE on the sirens.

11. Keep a radio available for official civil defense information.

12. Remember-it is your duty to yourself, your family and your country to save your own life. MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW.