Groups and Individual Brain Centers, Part 5


Individuality, Form, Size, Weight, Color, Order, Calculation, Locality, Eventuality, Tune, Time, Language.

A goodly development of these faculties is important; for if these are deficient, we fail to observe some of the facts necessary to establish a sound basis for reasoning and knowledge.

The observing and perceptive faculties are more active and accurate when functioning with our strongest faculties. In building a house, for instance, the man with dominant acquisitiveness will observe indications of material value, while one with weak acquisitiveness but with strong ideality and sublimity will be carried away by the beautiful view, grace of architecture; and overlook serious discrepancies in construction and actual money values. In other words, our dominant traits are those which stimulate observation.

Individuality. - Dr. Gall localized this area, including Eventuality and Individuality as the sense and memory of things, or educability and perfectibility. Later, Dr. Spurzheim divided this region into two elementary faculties - Eventuality and Observation.

Individuality is situated directly above the nose; and like all other brain centers, estimated by measuring the length from the opening of the ear. It gives perception, desire to see and examine, cognizance of individual objects.

Persons endowed with a large development of this area, are quick of perception and irresistibly impelled to individualize everything. This faculty points out the object, then all the other perceptive powers are called into action to give information as to its form, size, color, bulk, etc.

Excess or Perversion. - When the general intelligence does not keep pace with this faculty, there is a lack of coordination of ideas and completeness of reasoning on the 'facts in the case, resulting in a mere impudent and idle curiosity.

Restraint is unnecessary so long as the general intelligence cooperates. with observation.

Deficiency. - Those who have a weak development of this center, "have eyes and see not." They gain little from contact 'with the world of things and people.

Cultivate these powers by using them. One good practice is looking into a shop window for thirty seconds, then trying to enumerate the articles it contains, or writing a description of the main features of a journey after a day's travel, is excellent discipline for all the perceptive powers.

Combe has this to say of Individuality: When large, it produces breadth, projection and descent between the eyebrows at that point; when small, the eyebrows approach closely to each other and lie in a horizontal line. This faculty gives the desire accompanied with the ability, to know objects as mere existences without regard to their modes of action, or the purposes to which they may be subservient.*** A student in whom this organ is small and the reflecting organs large, may have his mind stored with general principles of science and with abstract ideas, but will experience much difficulty in reducing them into precise and specific forms. Another, in whom this organ is large will have all his knowledge individualized. *** In common life, a great development of this organ confers a talent for observation, curiosity to know and aptitude for acquiring knowledge.

FORM. - This faculty was localized by Dr. Gall. When well developed it gives breadth between the eyes. It also gives cognizance and accurate memory of outline, shape and form: of symmetry, proportions of faces, buildings, landscapes, names in writing, etc. It must necessarily be strong in all gl'eat artists, designers, architects, etc. It is an important factor in ,niting, spelling and printing.

Perversion of this faculty-and in fact, of any of the perceptive powers-is usually the result of irritability resulting from inflamed combativeness or nervous exhaustion. Under these conditions it manifests in impatience and fussing over even slight departures from symmetry or proportion, clashing colors, disorderly conditions, etc.

Deficiency. - When poorly developed, the eyes are close together, often giving a crowded appearance to the nose. Such a person has difficulty in remembering forms and in learning to spell or write acceptably.

Cultivate. - In childhood this faculty can be cultivated by many of the kindergarten plays, drawing, cutting paper dolls, etc.