
Brown Campus Organizations | Other Brown Clubs in Asia | Other Ivy College Clubs in Hong Kong

Brown Campus Organizations

Brown Alumni Association – The BAA.  All Brown alumni are automatically members of the campus-based organization that coordinates and drives all alumni program initiatives.

Alumni Interviewing Program – The primary interviewing activity interface for alumni registered to interview applicants for undergraduate admission to Brown.

Brown Connect – Brown’s initiative to increase student access to internships and research opportunities around the world.

Brown Daily Herald – Read up on College Hill happenings in the student-run independent daily, and the second-oldest American college daily newspaper, which we all remember with affection.

Brown Travelers – Explore the world with the expertise and perspective of Brown faculty.

Brown Annual Fund – Did you know that your participation in ANY amount improves Brown’s rankings?  Every donor makes an impact.

Brown Together: The Campaign for Building on Distinction – The most ambitious campaign in Brown’s history is a collective drive for Brown to achieve even greater heights by building on its successes.

International Advancement – Brown’s Office of International Advancement coordinates giving to Brown from international alumni, parents and friends in the Brown community.

The Brown Band – Enjoy the fun and nostalgia at this link.

Other Brown Clubs in Asia

Brown University Club of Japan

Brown Club of Singapore

Brown Club of Thailand

Other Ivy College Clubs in Hong Kong

The Columbia University Alumni Association of Hong Kong

The Cornell Club of Hong Kong

Dartmouth Club of Hong Kong

The Harvard Club of Hong Kong

Penn Club of Hong Kong

The Princeton Club of Hong Kong

Yale Club of Hong Kong