Older Events & Photos

Older Events & Photos

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2009 Events

March 11, 2009 -- Hong Kong Artwalk 2009

March 20, 2009 -- Memory Workshop & Dinner with Scott Bornstein

March 25, 2009 -- Spring Mixer with the Brown Jabberwocks. (details/photos).

June 16, 2009 -- BUAAHK Speaker Series - Social Responsibility in China with Colm Rafferty '98

June 27, 2009 -- Ivy Ball 2009: "Take a Chance" at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. (details/photos).

July 11, 2009 -- Stanford Yacht Cruise with Brown and UPenn

July 23, 2009 -- Summer Mixer at epöch

August 22, 2009 -- Class of 2013 Send-Off: Latte Art Workshop. (details/photos).

October 3, 2009 -- Contemporary Chinese Ink Painters Lecture by Tiffany Beres '05

2008 Events

April 17, 2008 -- Spring Mixer at Peel Bar

May 16, 2008 -- Lunch with Brown University President Ruth Simmons at Cipriani's; hosted by Brown University Parents' Council President, Mr. Moses Tsang and his wife Angela

May 31, 2008 -- Art Gallery Tour and Talk jointly hosted by Brown, Duke and Stanford

June 21, 2008 -- Ivy Ball 2008: "The Silk Road"

August 14, 2008 -- Summer Mixer at epöch

August 16, 2008 -- Class of 2012 Send-Off: Lunch Cruise

August 18, 2008 -- Dinner with Joyce Ma, Founder and Non-Executive Director of Joyce Boutique Holdings

September 24, 2008 -- Information Session for Prospective Applicants for Admission to the Freshman Class Entering Brown in September 2009, with Brown University’s Director of International Admissions, Ms. Panetha Ott. (details/photos).