Private Guided Tour and Talk at Sun Museum: "Eternally Revolving Twin Rocks: Qi Baishi and Shi Lu" - co-hosted with the RISD HK Alumni Association

We are pleased to host a joint-event with the RISD Hong Kong Alumni Association at the Sun Museum, a private non-profit museum of Chinese arts and culture. Mr. Yeung Chun Tong, Director of the Sun Museum, and Ms. Chloe Suen, Chair of the Simon Suen Foundation, gave a talk and Q&A to share their experience of founding the museum, followed by a guided tour of the current exhibition showcasing over 40 pieces of painting and calligraphy by Qi Baishi (齊白石) and Shi Lu (石鲁), two of the most acclaimed artists of Chinese painting in the 20th century. The event concluded with a casual mix and mingle.

Date:  Saturday, June 25, 2016

Time:  4:00-6:00pm (4:00pm Talk, 4:45pm Guided Tour)

Venue:  Sun Museum (4th Floor, SML Tower, 165 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon)

About "Eternally Revolving Twin Rocks: Qi Baishi and Shi Lu"

“Eternally Revolving Twin Rocks” is the first thematic exhibition in Hong Kong that features Qi Baishi and Shi Lu together in one show. It showcases over 40 pieces of painting and calligraphy, most of which are making their first museum debut. All exhibits are selected from two private collections in Hong Kong, Debonair Villa and Yitao Collection.

The exhibition juxtaposes the two masters with the view of educating the public about the development of Chinese painting in the 20th century. Active in the 20th century, both Qi and Shi developed their unique artistic styles. Qi’s artworks inherit the tradition of Chinese painting yet surpass predecessors in their theme and composition. For Shi Lu, his paintings entail innovative compositions and were rendered with both Chinese and Western techniques as he studied Chinese painting and was exposed to Western art as well. All exhibits in this show have high artistic and historical values, encouraging a better understanding of the two masters and their similarities, differences and achievements in transmitting and innovating Chinese painting.

About Sun Museum

Sun Museum, a non-profit institution established by Simon Suen Foundation, is housed in the 4th floor of the SML Tower along the Kwun Tong waterfront, with a total area of 12,500 sq ft. The museum opened in May 2016 and fosters the development of arts and culture in Hong Kong and China through organizing feature exhibitions, seminars and other educational activities. Mr. Yeung Chun Tong is the Director of Sun Museum.

About Yeung Chun Tong

Mr. Yeung has served as Director of Sun Museum since May 2013. Previously, Mr. Yeung has served a distinguished 35-year tenure at the University Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), acting as Director from 1997-2012. He has also been appointed Honorary Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts, HKU, since the 1990s, fostering the education of Chinese connoisseurship, Chinese ceramics, Chinese materials culture and museum management skills, and is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE), HKU.

Mr. Yeung is also active in community service and the promotion of arts to the Hong Kong public, and has served as advisor to various governmental, educational and non-profit arts group and committees.

About Chloe Suen

Ms. Suen is the Chair of Simon Suen Foundation, a non-profit making organisation founded by her father, Dr. Simon Suen, in 2012. The Foundation aims to facilitate, preserve and revitalize traditional Chinese arts and culture, as well as furthering the diversified development of local arts and culture in Hong Kong. In addition to operating Sun Museum since 2015, the Foundation works closely with universities to support research and studies in Chinese classical studies.

Ms. Suen has been involved in the planning and establishment of Sun Museum since the idea was conceived. She currently oversees the governance and strategic direction of both the Foundation and the Museum. Ms. Suen is also involved in art investment, property management, and education. She is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and Columbia University.