
Family Directory

It would be hard to set up a playdate or invite children to a birthday party without the Broadmeadow Family Directory! Parent volunteers work on creating a printed directory of every family and their contact information that is distributed in late fall.  The directory includes a section on services provided by older students such as dog walking and babysitting.

5th Grade Photo Slideshow

5th grade parents create a photo slideshow including pictures of all 5th graders from each of their years at Broadmeadow.  The slide show is shown during the 5th Grade Class Day celebration and copies are sent to each 5th grade family.

Year End Staff Gift Fund

As a service to parents, the PTC coordinates the collection of money for the year end staff gift fund.  This is the preferred method for thanking Broadmeadow staff and benefits every staff member in the building. All money that is collected is divided among the staff members in the building and given to them the last week of school.

Media Center Volunteers

An elementary school library could not run smoothly without the help of parent volunteers to check-in, shelve, and check out books during class media time. At the beginning of the school year, a short training session is held for new volunteers and you can sign up to help during your child's media time. Click on the link for more information about our Media Volunteer schedule.

Principal Coffees

In the fall, winter, and again in the spring, the PTC hosts coffees with Principal Andy Garlick.  These coffees allow parents an informal occasion to get to know our principal and allow Mr. Garlick the opportunity to provide information about how the school year is going.

School Supply Kits

At Broadmeadow, all school supplies are pooled at the beginning of the year to be used by all students within a classroom.  To ensure that teachers get the supplies they need, and as a time and money-saving service to parents, the PTC offers the sale of School Supply kits.  The kits can be purchased online before school gets out and will be delivered to the classrooms by the first day of school.  If you purchased a kit, please ignore the supply list sent home with the class lists in July.  If you did not purchase a kit, a few extra kits may be available.  To purchase one, please contact Schoolsupplies@broadmeadowptc.org

Staff Appreciation Breakfasts

Breakfasts to show our appreciation of the Broadmeadow staff will be hosted by different grades throughout the year. The teachers truly appreciate the effort!

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

As a final thank you for the school year, the PTC hosts a luncheon for all Broadmeadow staff on the last early release day in June.  Parents donate food, drinks and decorations for this themed luncheon and retiring staff are honored.

Technology Coordinator

The technology coordinator is responsible for updating the Broadmeadow PTC website, keeping our Google email groups up to date, and providing assistance with the PTC's Google Drive.


Parent volunteers work all year taking pictures at Broadmeadow events and during the school day to capture the year.  A special emphasis is placed on the 5th graders -- including a large group photo plus individual photos, their favorite school memory, and what they would like to be when they grow up.  Yearbooks arrive in June -- don't forget to purchase this fun memento of your child's year!