What We Do
Goals of the Broadmeadow PTC
Enrich the education of our students
Build a strong Broadmeadow community through our Family Events and School Community Outreach
Expand our children's social awareness and civic responsibility through our Outreach Programs
Provide Volunteer support and services to our teachers, staff and families
Provide financial support for all of our programs through our Fundraising
Responsibilities of the Broadmeadow PTC Board
President - oversees all PTC activity, organizes PTC meetings and parent forums, meets with the Principal and Superintendent regularly to foster open communication
Vice President - creates the weekly PTC News, recruits new board members and committee chairs
Secretary - records the minutes at PTC meetings, updates the outdoor announcement sign and our social media
Treasurers - handles deposits, reimbursements, and bookkeeping
Enrichment Coordinator - provides support to Enrichment committees
Grade-Level Events Coordinator – coordinates PTC Rep program and provides support to grade-level event committees
School-Wide Events Coordinator – welcomes transferring families and provides support to school-wide event committees
Fundraising Coordinator - provides support to Fundraising committees
Outreach Coordinator - provides support to Outreach committees
Volunteer Coordinator - runs the volunteer drive and provides support to the Volunteer committees