
Form + Function = Good Design (see intro ppt attached below)

Visual Clarity (form)

1) composition-- the arrangement and placement of elements in the space; it is the hierarchy of information (based on importance of information)

2) craftsmanship--- the execution of idea; control of media

Concept (function)

1) layers of meaning

2) symbolism

3) innovative thought (clever; new; progressive)

Artistic Process: all art is problem solving

Step 1: brainstorming (sketching; research)------ gather info

Step 2: analyze/edit (review and change; re-draw)------ consider What is your goal? (function) and Is there visual clarity? (form)

Step 3: finalize (refine craft and details)------control media (details, color, layers, etc.)

Composition: hierarchy of information

Structure should have

1) dominant element- main focal point

2) support elements- balance and unity

3) details- visual interest and texture

Project 1: Libretto

Libretto-- How do you capture the essence of music through color, line, and shape? Elements of music can be translated into visuals (tempo, sounds/instruments, beat, lyrics, etc….); Do you want to take an illustrative approach (tell a story) or an expressive approach (mood/ capture moment)?

1) Idea: artistic process: brainstorm/sketch/research reference images

2) Color: explore options; practice mixing and choosing colors in sketchbook. (see intro ppt attached below)

3) Media: think about choice and application.

Artist Statement:

1) should give insight to visual

2) fluid and poetic quality to writing

3) personal commentary

* can be a poem or a narrative

* rough draft = use starter sentences to gather thoughts (such as, I drew this because....The colors represent....I want people to know...I want people to think....the overall mood is....) then use this insight to rewrite a more final and fluid final draft.

Project 2: Symbols-- developing your own ideas

Step 1:

Brainstorming: word association activity: word(s)/phrase that comes to mind when you hear the following:

1) favorite word

2) home

3) friendship

4) military

5) money

6) religion

7) success

8) media

* What do you value most in life? why?

* If you could change something, what would it be? why?

Research: microsoft word document

1) Big Idea: choose a topic (can be from brainstorming but doesn't have to be; can be political, social, philosophical, environmental, personal, etc...)

2) read about your topic (it is important to be well versed when expressing personal ideals and opinions) and gather 10 artifacts that expand your understanding (pieces of info such as facts, statistics, quotes, etc....)

3) write a position statement: a paragraph or more that expresses your personal commentary

Step 2:

Big Idea: Start with the Big Idea--- break down to key aspects (words that give insight into point of view and capture the essence of your personal commentary) and then create imagery that communicates complex thought

Design development: begin thumbnail sketches-- choose 3 words related to/ are the essence of your personal commentary and create 3 designs for each in sketchbook using expressive qualities of line and shape; refer to powerpoint; class time; finish for HW; due 4/30

1) brainstorm ideas for symbols-- word association and mapping/ doodles- expressive drawings/ visual research

2) thinking about the expressive qualities of line and shape and the class discussion, finalize 3 potential symbols for each;

think about drawing quality and size (at least 3x3)

Step 3:

Construction: Start building symbols in Illustrator-- think about controlled line quality, details, balance, purposeful shaping.


Form: analyze visual clarity; make adjustments as needed (think about range of value, depth of space, balance of heavy/light and large/small)

Function: reflect on concept-- essence of word? expressive qualities?

Step 4:

Symbolic Narrative: combine each symbol into an overall narrative of you personal commentary; think about visual clarity; refine/change/modify/combine imagery as needed while maintaining the expressive qualities and essence of each symbol (see ppt-- go to sidebar project, click on symbolism at bottom).