
Tips for preparing portfolio:


1) Scan 35mm work at 300 resolution; edit/adjust in Photoshop.

Save as final file (approx: 8x10; 300 ppi) jpeg

2) Then save as a Low Res file (approx 5x7; 150 ppi) jpeg; this is the file you will insert in powerpoint.


1) Open file; flatten layers/resize and save as a Low Res file (approx 5x7; 150 ppi) jpeg; this is the file you will insert in powerpoint.

Independent Study Portfolio

Goal: present your body of work in a creative, organized, and informative slide show;

What do want your audience to know, think, feel, or do in response to your work?


1. Inspiration: 2 pieces from Concept book with explanations as to relevance of each: how/why is each artifact important/inspirational

2. Theme/Concept statement: express point of view and purpose of your work

3. Projects: minimum of 15—each should be of a different style/approach/technique

4. Title, Media, Label (style/approach/techniques) and Artist Statement for each piece (untitled not allow)

This should reflect the connection between the image and your theme.

(about 3-6 good sentences that enhance overall impact)

5. Reflection: share overall thoughts and reactions to body of work

What do you think about your work now that you can stand back and look

at it as a whole? What concepts and/or techniques have helped you to grow

as an artist? What is the most important thing you have learned about

photography, about art in general, and/or about yourself?

Presentation: clear, organized, and articulate sharing of final body of work

Powerpoint presentation: should be a well organized and creative presentation that illustrates your overall theme and body of work.

Think about color palette, unity, and visual clarity.

Rubric 1 and 2: PDF file attached below