Ch. 6 - An Independent World

1. Mohandas Gandhi-

-one of the greatest national leaders of the 20th century

-used nonviolent disobedience to lead India to independence from Britain

-repeatedly imprisoned by the British and resorted to hunger strikes

-fought to improve the status of the lowest caste, the Untouchables

-tried to unite the Hindu and Moslem groups in his country

-assassinated by a Hindu fanatic

2. Salt March

-Gandhi’s first organized act of opposition to the Britain domination of India

-began as march to Dharasana Salt Works

-designed to protest British salt tax

-drew world wide attention to the Indian independence movement

3. Jawaharlal Nehru-

-grew up wealthy in a time when most in India were poor and was educated in England

-obtained western ideas as he returned to protest British control of India

-became first prime minister after Britain granted India independence

4. Muhammad Ali Jinnah-

-disagreed with Mohandas Gandhi over a separate state for Muslims when India gained independence from Great Britain

-led the Indian Muslims before an independent state of Pakistan was founded

-became the first leader of independent Pakistan, a Muslim nation

-led for only a year before he died, leaving a succession of poor leaders

5. Hunger Strike

-used successfully by Gandhi to end violence twice

-once to end Indian violence against British

-once to end violence between Hindu and Moslems

China’s Nationalist Movment

6. Qing (Manchu) Dynasty

-last ruling dynasty of China, ending in 1911

-blamed for allowing other nations to divide up China

7. Empress Dowager Cixi

-concubine of the Emperor who five year old son became emperor

-when her son died, she replaced him with a younger nephew in order to maintain power

-opposed anti-western movements but found it politically necessary to support them

-died in 1908

8. Boxers

-Society of the Right and Harmonious Fists

-a violent anti-imperialist movement beginning in Northern China

-Boxers murdered thousands of Christians, both foreign and Chinese

-expanded into capital city of Beijing

-put down by Eight Nation Alliance

9. Emperor Puyi

-appointed Emperor at age two by Dowager Cixi upon her death

-treaty signed with Nationalists allowed for a powerless Emperor to remain

-became known as “The Last Emperor of China” as the Qing Dynasty ends

10. Sun Yat-sen-

-educated in Hawaii and Britain gaining an understanding of democratic principals

-led Chinese nationalist in revolt against Qing dynasty

-implemented his “Principles of the People” which were nationalism and democracy

11. Mao Zedong-

-leader of China’s Communist party -led the communists on the Long March

-forced out of government by Chiang Kai-Shek following World War II

-leader of People's Republic of China

-his unsuccessful economic and social policies hurt China for developing

12. Chiang Kai-shek-

-headed the Nationalist (Kuomintang) struggle for power after Sun Yet-sen’s death

-supported China’s wealthy businesses and land owners

-allied with communists after Japanese invasion in 1937

-became leader of Taiwan after being defeated in China’s civil war in 1948

13. Long March-

-one of the most extraordinary marches in history

-6,000 miles through some of the most difficult areas in the world

-thousands perished, but the Long March inspired many Chinese to join the Communist party

-eventually the Communist defeat the Nationals and take over China

14. Peoples Republic of China-

-also called Red China or Mainland China or Communist China

-defeated the Nationalists

-headed by Mao Zedong -most populated nation in the world

-the United States refused to recognize People’s Republic as China’s legitimant government of China

15. Formosa-

-island province of China

-Chiang Kai-shek and Nationalist were driven here ending

China’s civil war

-a new democratic government called Taiwan created

-supported by the United States until President Nixon visited

China in 1972

16. Hundred Flowers-

-instituted by Mao Zedong to “catch up” to Europe, America, and the Soviet Union

-was designed to modernize and industrialize the nation -industry and farms were nationalized

-the first plan showed signs of success

17. Great Leap Forward

-the second of the Five Year Plans -people were placed in huge collective communes

-"backyard furnaces" were used for the production of iron

-the idea failed miserably and 20 million people died

18. Cultural Revolution-

-Mao Zedong’s plan to create a new Chinese society -to do so China’s traditional beliefs were officially banned

19. Deng Xiaoping-

-dismissed from communist party for capitalistic views during Cultural Revolution

-took control of China after Mao’s death

-supported “Four Modernization's”: agriculture, industry, science, and technology

20. Tiananmen Square

-spurred by changes in Europe, Chinese students demonstrated for democratic reform

-Chinese military sent in with tanks to break up demonstration

-thousands imprisoned, wounded, or killed

21. Hong Kong-

-Great Britain agreed to 99 year lease after victory during Opium War

-democratic society and capitalist economy which became most profitable regions in East Asia

-China regained control on July 1, 1997 when Britain handed over political

-to maintain economic success, China agreed to maintain colony for 50 years

The Creation of a Jewish State

22. Palestine-

-occupied by Arabs following the Roman Diaspora in 70 A.D.

-Britain colonized the region at the beginning of the 20th century

-large number of European Jews migrated to this area following the Holocaust of WW II

23. Zionism-

-movement to establish a Jewish homeland

-United Nations voted to partition Palestine creating the nation of Israel on May 14, 1947

24. Balfour Declaration-

-written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour suggesting the creation of a Zionist state

-adopted by the United Nations allowing Jewish people to immigrate to Palestine

25. Arab-Israeli Wars-

-a series of four wars fought between Israel and it’s Arab neighbors

-1947- in response to the United Nations partition of Palestine and creation of Israel

-1956- triggered by Suez Crisis -1967- Six-Day War-, Israel led by Moshe Dayan, defeated Egypt in 100 hours

-1973- Egypt and Syria launched an attack catching Israel by surprise

26. Occupied Territories-

-regions taken over by Israel from neighboring countries to stop Palestinians from launching guerilla raids against them

27. West Bank-

-refers to region west of the Jordan River between Israel and Jordan

-many Palestinian refugees set up a camp there

-became occupied territory after Six-Day War -Jordan gave up claim to the land in 1988

-Israelis continued to settle on the West Bank

28. Jerusalem-

-sacred city for all three Mideast religions

-all side want to control the city

29. Gaza Strip-

-narrow band of land along the Mediterranean coast of the Sinai Peninsula which is occupied by Israel

-Palestinian refugee camps since 1948

30. Golan Heights-

-region of land occupied by Israel from Syria

31. Palestinian Liberation Organization-

-formed in 1964 as a guerrilla militia group designed to destroy the Israeli State

-responsible for numerous terrorist acts around the world

-presently negotiating peace agreements with Israel

-several splinter groups are using violence to stop peace process

32. Yasser Arafat-

-chairman of the PLO in 1969

-named president of the Palestinian government in exile in 1989

-originally known as a worldwide terrorist, but later acceptedpeace offers for land

-died in 2004 leaving conflict over who would take his place

33. Menachem Begin-

-prime minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983

-developed Jewish settlement in the West Bank

-received the Nobel Peace Prize for signing a peace agreement with Egyptian president Anwar Sadat

34. Anwar Sadat-

-Egyptian President

-met with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem to negotiate peace

-agreed to the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty

-assassinated by PLO

35. Camp David Accords-

-established by Pres. Carter to negotiate peace between Israel and Egypt

-Egypt agreed to not attack Israel for the return of the Sinai Peninsula

36. Oslo Accords-

-Israel agreed to remove troops from occupied territories, allowing Palestine control of the territory

Racism in South Afirca Ends

37. Aparthied-

-means “separateness”

-legal government policy in South Africa

-nonwhites had no rights of citizenship or voting

-nonwhites were required to carry “passbooks” and live in tribal “homelands”

38. Nelson Mandela

-longtime leader and symbol of the black struggle against white minority rule in South Africa

-leader of the African National Congress (ANC)

-sentenced to life in prison for plotting against the government

39. Pieter Botha-

-prime minister of South Africa

-forced to make concessions to Africans, but stopped short of equal rights

-after months of violent protests a state of emergency was declared, limiting the press

-suffered a stroke in 1989 and was forced to resign

40. Soweto-

-tribal homeland outside the city of Johannesburg

-where public protests over apartheid began

-standard of living in Soweto was much lower than that in white Johannesburg

41. Desmond Tutu-

-a high ranking Anglican bishop

-advocated an end to violence in the black townships

-became an unofficial spokesman for African equal rights

42. F.W. de Klerk-

-became president of South Africa in August 1989

-officially recognized the ANC and released Nelson Mandela from prison

-forced the repeal of all South African apartheid policies, ending years of white-minority rule

-persuaded many countries to lift sanctions on South Africa