Ch. 8 Czarist Russia


Chapter 8 : Czarist Russia (A.D. 1253 - A.D. 1900)

The Rise of Russia

1. Rus-

-people of Slavic decent who lived in the plain central Asia

-name from which Russia eventually came

-religious conflict with the west (particularly Poland) caused for a distrust of the west which remains today

2. Rurik-

-most influential leader of the Rus

-controlled important cities of Novgorod and Kiev which were on the trade routes to Byzantium

-other cities paid tribute to the Rus

3. Boyars-

-wealthy land owning Rus

-advisers to the Rus leader

4. Eastern Orthodox Church

-religious order which expanded into Russia after the Mongol invasions

-greatly influenced Russian government and society

-made Russia different that Western Europe which was Roman Catholic

5. Olga-

-princess of Kiev, granddaughter of Rurik

-married Igor, Prince of Kiev maintaining control after his murder in AD 945

-impressed with Christianity on trip to Constantinople and converted

-found very few converts among the Rus

-became the first saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church after her death, July 11, 969 AD

6. Vladimir I-

-even though grandson of Olga, refused to follow Christianity

-made pact with Byzantine Emperor Basil II; Russian aid for Anna, Basil’s sister

-converted all of Kiev to Christianity 987

7. Yaroslav-

-Yaroslav the Wise

-leader during the Golden Age of Kiev, built many beautiful cathedrals

-brought many scholars to the city and created a code of law called the Pravda Russkia (Russian Justice)

8. Cyril-

-sent to Russia in response to the growing power of the Roman Catholic Church

-converted many Slavs to Christianity

-developed a system writing, the Cyrillic alphabet, so the Slavs could read the bible

-system of writing still used by Russians today

9. The Golden Horde-

-eastern region of the Mongol empire (Tartar is Slavic word for Mongol)

-led by Batu Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan, brother of Kublia Khan)

-demanded a high tribute from the Slavs in order to rule and live safely

-the ruthless rule of the Mongols greatly influenced the eventual rulers of Russia

-although cruel rules, Mongols forced unification of Slavic territory, law, and culture

10. Ivan III-

-Ivan the Great, Grand Prince of Moscow

-refused to pay Mongol tribute ending their rule of Russia

-made Moscow ruling city of Russia by bringing Byzantine scholars, artists, and architects creating a wonderful city

-considered Russia's first national leader

-helped Russian Orthodox Church fight critics giving him religious power too

11. Ivan IV-

-Ivan the Terrible, grandson of Ivan the Great

-become leader at age three, boyars seized control until he turned seventeen

-did not trust boyars who mistreated him

-he blamed death of wife Anastasia on the boyars increasing his distrust

-paranoid, had secret police terrorized entire population

-killed his eldest son (and heir to the throne) during one of his fits of rage

-left his retarded son Theodore in control during rebellious period in Russia

12. Czar-

-Cyrillic name meaning Caesar

-Ivan believed he was heir to both Roman and Byzantine Empires

-married the daughter of Byzantine leader

-believed he created the third Roman Empire

13. St. Basil’s Cathedral-

-Ivan had famous cathedral constructed to commemorate his victory over the Tartars

-had architects blinded so no other cathedral could be built as beautiful

-Russians became the center for Eastern Orthodox church after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks

14. Dmitri I-

-son of Ivan IV and his last wife, German princess Maria

-church refused to acknowledge this marriage (Ivan’s sixth, only three allowed) so young Dmitri could not claim throne

-died of a knife wound to the neck at age 8 (apparently by Boris Godunov a high ranking boyar)

-reappeared claiming the wrong child had been murdered and he had escaped

-became one of three Russian czars claiming to be Dmitri

Russia in the Age of Absolutism (pp. 459-464)

15. Michael Romanov

-elected czar by a National Assembly in 1613; he was the first of the dynasty to rule Russia

-first ruler of the important Romanov dynasty in Russia which will rule until communism in 1917

-became czar to end a period in Russian history as “The Time of Troubles”

16. Peter I

-also called Peter the Great

-went to great lengths to “westernize” Russia

-ended Russia’s long isolation caused by being landlocked

17. St. Petersburg

-entire city built by Peter I on a swamp in northern Russia

-became the new capital of Russia

-beautiful city built in the style of western European cites

-became Peter’s “window to the west,” being built on the Baltic coast and in western Russia

18. Service Nobility

-developed by Peter the Great to control the noblemen

-gave individuals titles of nobility based on the their government performance

-titles of nobility included land and the workers on the land as a reward

-entrenched Russia in an almost feudal state

19. Catherine II

-also called Catherine the Great

-a German princess, wife of Peter III, Czar or Russia

-became Czarina of Russia after plotting her husband’s murder

-wanted to continue Peter the Greta's work of westernizing the country

-added much land to the country and made it an important world power

Reform and Revolution in Russia

20. Nicholas I-

-expanded Russian borders to reach their largest

-included Poland and Finland allowing greater access to the sea

-many people in the new territories refused to accept Russian leadership and culture

21. “Russification”-

-implemented by Nicholas I

-developed in response to the revolutions which occurred in western Europe

-forced people in Russia to speak Russian, join the Russian Orthodox Church, and follow traditional Russian customs

22. Alexander II

-attempted to westernize Russia by making political changes

-attempted to reduce corruption, revise the court system, and increased freedom and education for all classes

-although many of the reforms sounded good, they did little to improve life for the lower classes

-Russia’s loss in the Crimean War sparked many reforms

23. Emancipation Edict

-issued by Alexander

-serfs were no longer tied directly to the landowner

-some in the Russian government felt “modern nations” should not have a feudalistic type economic system

-but the majority just wanted to free up workers from the farms to work in factories

-did little for the serfs who could not afford land and were forced to work for little pay in the factories

24. Zemstovs-

-also developed by Alexander I

-designed to give local government control over their own regions

-in reality, it guaranteed the nobles and landowners power including the right to rule levy taxes

25. People Will-

-political group that wanted Alexander to expand his reforms

-became more terroristic when their demands were ignored

-responsible for the bombing assassination of Alexander in 1881

26. Alexander III-

-suspended Aleaxander II’s reforms in response to the assassination

-reimplementation autocratic rule

-used secret police, spies, and the unjust courts system to suppress opposition

27. Social Democratic Labor Party-

-industrialization created workers who demanded labor, social, and political reforms

-resorted to terrorism when their demands were ignored

-began calling for massive changes in the government, even the abolishment of the czar