Ch. 3 - Europe Expands to America

Voyages of Portugal and Spain (pp. 392-399)

1. Silk Route

-ancient trade route from the Middle East to China

-actually a series of trails


-cities along the route became wealthy, charging travelers and traders passage on the route

2. Macro Polo

-trader and explorer from Venice, Italy who went on three year trading mission to China at age 17

-given a governor ship by Kublia Khan, Mongol leader of China

-free to travel around China for 17 years

-returned to Europe after 17 years in China and put in jail

-wrote “The Adventures of Marco Polo” a book which described his travels

-prompted Europeans to try to find a sea route to China

3. Prince Henry

-Portuguese leader nicknamed “The Navigator”

-created a “navigation school” in Portugal to create a sea route to India and China

-as a result, Portugal began exploring and trading along the coast of Africa

-eventually led to a sea route to the Far East

4. Bartolomeu Dias-

-first to round the Cape of Good Hope

-proved that the Atlantic Ocean connected with the Indian Ocean

5. Vasco da Gama

-used the previous knowledge of the sea to reach India

-Portugal’s success prompted other nations to develop a sea route to Far East Asia

6. Christopher Columbus

-Italian explorer who used previous learning (including Greeks) to develop a theory

-”sail west to get east”

-unable to secure funding from Italy, went to Spain who agreed to fund his journey

-Spain had money freed up after driving Arab Moors out of Spain

-landed in Caribbean islands he mistakenly thought were in India and claimed them for Spain

7. Colombian Exchange

-refers to the trading between Europe and the Americas

-some exchange was good, some not so good

8. Treaty of Tordesillas

-issued by Pope Alexander VI to avoid conflict between the two most active nations claiming new land

-Spain had right to land west of the line and Portugal had rights to land east of the line

-Pedro Cabral’s fleet claimed what is modern Brazil for Portugal

9. Amerigo Vespucci

-first used the term “New World” realizing that the lands that had been discovered was not Asia

-for whom America was named

10. Vasco Balboa-

-proved that the New World was not in Asia

-crossed Panama reaching what he called the South Sea

11. Ferdinand Magellan

-first to rounded the southern tip of South America

-continued westward to the Philippine Islands (where he was killed)

-his crew returned to Spain being the first to sail around the world

Mesoamerica and Andean South America (pp. 208-211)

6. Olmecs-

-earliest civilized culture in the Americas reaching it’s height from 1200 to 400 B.C.

-influenced later Mesoamerican tribes

-farmed, fished, and hunted

-began practice of establishing religious centers

-used their technology to create several huge 40 ton statue heads

-mysteriously disappeared, possibly becoming the Mayan culture

8. Mayas-

-developed in Central America and southern Mexico

-known for advancements in astronomy, mathematics, and calendar

-first in Americas to develop a system of writing

-worshipped several gods which required blood sacrifices

-constructed tall pyramids for elaborate religious ceremonies

-eventually defeated by European invaders

9. Tikal-

-most populated (60,000 - 90,000) Mayan city, important as a religious center

-large religious pyramids and other monuments were constructed there

-was abandoned due to overpopulation, depleting resources, and competition from other cities caused its decline

10. Teotihuacan-

-large well organized Mayan city

-location of the pyramid of the sun and pyramid of the moon

-eventually conquered by the Aztecs

20. lachtli-

-religious ceremony carried out by playing a ball game in huge, elaborate, ball courts

-played with a small rubber ball which was to be knocked through a hoop along a wall

-could not use hands and feet

-cross between basketball and soccer

-losers where generally sacrificed to the gods

11. Toltec-

-early urban, American culture

-conquered central Mexico and controlled it with a strict military government

-Tula was capital city

-first began to worshipping the ancient gods

-some migrated to influence Mayan civilization

-gradually replaced in importance by the Aztec culture

12. Topiltzin-

-mythical Toltec leader, considered the offspring of the gods

-created large central American civilization by defeating his father’s 400 brothers after they murdered his father

-summoned the “feathered-serpant god” for assistance

-Topiltzin eventually dies while the “feathered-serpant god” flees across the sea

5. Mexica-

-with no homeland, they were forced to live a nomadic life

-lived under the rule of the Tepanecs kings who forced the Mexica to fight for them

-their settlement in Tenochtitlan marked the beginning of the Aztec empire

14. Aztecs

-warrior tribe which conquered most of central Mexico

-adopted and added to the culture of the Toltec

-possessed a complex religion that featured bloody sacrifice

-conquered land to use prisoners for sacrifices

-built cities larger than those in Europe

-had an elaborate and complex social structure

17. Huitzilopochtli-

-Aztec god of war

-believed to have the ability to fight off the darkness of night

-this god required “red water” (blood) to maintain his strength to fight the night

-promised the early Aztec a homeland when they saw the sacred sign: an eagle with a snake in it’s talons

-being sacrificed was considered an honor, but so many were needed that captive enemies were used

16. Lake Texcoco-

-located in the Valley of Mexico

-Aztec create large city on an island in the center of the lake

-eventually spread out into the Aztec empire

-drained in the 1600’s; modern Mexico City is located there

18. Tenochtitlan-

-great Aztec capital city on island in Lake Texcoco

-extremely well planned out and beautiful city of 200,000 people

-contained a huge pyramid with two temples on the top, one for Huitzilopochtili (sun god) and one for Ahuitzotl (rain god)

19. Chinampas-

-artificial farmland created around island

-Aztecs drove wood into lake bottom and filled area with dirt and reeds

-used for farming and feeding the growing population of Tenochtitlan

-some still exist and are used today

13. Quetzalcoatl-

-”feathered-serpent god” from the Toltec culture

-Aztecs believed the earth had been destroyed and created many times

-this god sprinkled the bones of the dead with his blood and created their new race

-since then, human blood was needed to replace that of the gods

-legend said he left this world, but would return from across the ocean in “one reed year” (1519) as a white-skinned, bearded being

22. Montezuma-

-greatest of the Aztec rulers

-conquored all of southern Mexico and Central America

-disliked by the people he conquored because he demanded an extremely high tribute

-taken captive by the Spanish and eventually killed during the Aztec revolt

15. Tribute

-payments (usually in the form of products, services, and sacrifices) given to the Aztecs by the conquered cities around Tenochtitlan

-Aztecs required these payments for protecting the areas around them

-cultures paying this tribute disliked the Aztecs and contributed to their demise


-Spanish explores who sought gold in the “New World”

-overtook and destroyed the Mesoamerican cultures

-killed Indians in battle and through disease

21. Hernando Cortez-

-Spanish explorer that eventually brought an end to the Aztec civilization.

-thought to be a Quetzalcoatl by Montezuma

-made allies with surrounding tribes who the Aztecs forced to pay tribute and provide sacrifices

-was soundly defeated when trying to defeat the Aztecs, but left behind smallpox which eventually defeat the Aztec

23. Notcha Tresta-

-”the sad night”

-many Spaniards where killed as they tried to flee the city of Tenochtitlan after the death of Montozuma

24. Incas-

-South American empire which existed at the same time as the Aztecs in Mexico

-worshipped the sun and the moon, their name means “children of the sun”

-isolated from other civilizations by the high, rugged Andes Mountains

-governed by small, well organized communities called ayllus

-defeated by Spanish in 1532

25. Inti

-sun god, and main god of the Inca

26. Pachacuti

-known as the Sapa Inca (emperor) becoming the first ruler of the empire by defeating invaders

-thought to be the son of the sun god

-lived a very luxurious life

-followed tradition by marring his sister, Coya and appointing their children and other relatives to important government positions

-civil war after his death among his heirs severely weakened the empire

27. Cuzco

-Inca capital, rebuilt by Pachacuti in the shape of a puma

-population of probably reached 100,000, with central region reserved for nobles

-a network of roads linked the capital by message runners (called chasquis) with the rest of the empire

-huge temple of the sun built at the head of the puma

-burned when Incas tried to recapture the city from the Spanish

28. Quechua

-official language of the Inca empire

-developed because the tribes spoke different languages and communicate was difficult

-allowed for religion, laws, education, etc. to be unified

-no written language

29. Quipu

-knots tied on a rope, used to keep track of information like trade items, population, and harvest

30. Apopanaca

-”he who chooses”

-select young girls called Acllas to serve the gods

-a great honor to be selected

-all lived in an “acllahuachi” or “house of the chosen”

-the emperor chose who these girls would marry

-some were sacrificed to the gods in times of great emergency

31. “Juanita”

-frozen body of a well preserved Inca girl

-may have been killed as part of religious ceremony to stop a nearby volcano

Prophecies of the Inca Wisemen-

-1. plague- the small pox virus introduced by the Spanish

-2. war- civil war between Atahualpa and his brother Huscar

-3. destruction of the Inca Empire- Spanish destruction of the empire

Sapa Inca-

-name given to the leader of the Inca culture

21. Atahualpa

-fought civil war with his brother Huascar for inheritance of the Inca empire

-nobles supported Atahualpa because he granted them land

-developed strict rules about how the Inca would live their lives would be dictated for them early in life

-was taken captive by Spanish and offered a room full of gold and two of silver for his release

-Spanish, fearful that setting him free would mean the end for them, executed him for ordering the murder of his brother

Francisco Pizarro-

-after watching the success of Cortez, at age 60 led the Spanish conquistadors in taking over the Inca Indians

-takeover was aided by the recent civil war won by Atahualpa

-like Cortez and the future Spanish conquistadors, killed many in their quest for gold